First of all

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If you are here, it means you gave me and my story a chance or I specifically asked you to be here @Ruhayn.
Either way, this means so much to me and I hope you all enjoy this short story.
Constructive criticism is very welcome but not hating please... Be gentle and nice, it's my first.😜
And don't forget to vote and comment at the end of every chapter 🙏🏽

This story is mostly fictional, a product of my imagination, and any resemblance of other works of art is purely coincidental.
All rights reserved.

Aaaand... Just so you're not confused during this short journey.
Italicized words are either imaginations or memories which is what the book is all about.
' indicates thoughts happening only in Miriam's head.
I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

Don't forget to vote and comment. It'll mean the world to me.


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