I - "Love to blame."

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School was becoming more of task as the day went by.

During gym was the only place I could attempt to be relieved.

Yet, even then the stares of everyone were always on me.

The stares of a dozen girls had become pointless as they filled with pity.

What once showed adoration held sorrow.

That's all I ever was for someone,

Just one to be sympathetic for.

I hate myself for feeling a way, when I should bestow grace upon still being alive.

But being alive in a world while everyone else you loved dies,

Simply hurts.

Why still live in a world completely unjust?

"Hey! JAMES!"

The question flew from my mind as I turned to my childhood best friend,


At least he was still here.

"You're coming right?"

Utter confusion cross my mind before I remember the "small" party meyer wanted to throw this Wednesday.

Yet, knowing him, small meant at least three dozen people from the school.


"Don't give me the 'I need time' I gave you four months. I need my bestfriend back, man."

I couldn't say his words surprised me.

Of course, I was the shitty friend.

Because, I was the one blowing my best friend off and his party attitude, due to my parents dying merely four months ago.

I couldn't be mad at him though, even though he showed no remorse, this is how he always was.

This is how everyone is.

They say their condolences and then get mad when you're still mourn-

I'm getting besides the point.

"Fine, I'll go."

"Attaboy, there's my Jimbo."

Smiling just ever so slightly at the boy to acknowledge that i was leaving, I begin to walk in the direction of where I knew her last class of the day was.

And there she was.

Standing right next to the counselor?

"Good morning, Mrs. Lowen, hey Marsy."

Mrs. Lowen smiled at me in a seemingly innocent way?

"How many times do I have to tell you kids, call me Carine."

Slightly nodding my head, feeling the tension in the air due to a certain prowness given off from the counselor.

I turn towards Marsy absentsentedly,

Feighing that signature look that she'd sadly had become too accustomed to.

"Sorry, Carine, I have to go," Marsy stated with more eagerly than she should.

Walking to the nearest exit, Marsy tenderly smiled at me,

"Thanks for saving me. Carine is a fucking pushover."

Grimacing at her bluntness, she was one to call anyone out.

No matter who they were.

"You don't have to be so rude about-"

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