Part 10

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The girls and Robyn were fairly exhausted from all our hiking as all Meyer and I, ever heard was,

"Are we there yet?" (Marsy)

"Meyer, can you carry me, my legs hurt?" (Elis)

"My feet are going to need to be amputated from this pain that has been forced upon me by two devilishly handsome fine men." (Robyn)

"You two are thirsty- anyways JIMMY! MEYER! A child shouldn't have to go through this much hiking." (Ceàn)

I had to admit, we had rented a camping site worth a good two to three hours of hiking.

Meyer and I had thought it would be a good idea to get our bodies readily active and plus there was a lake nearby that we got to share with only like two other campsites that were probably unoccupied.

Yet, now we had begin to regret it.

Their constant whining would soon ceased as we finally reached our campsite.

Robyn cheerily turns around and raises his eyebrow,

"So, we have four tents. Two per person?"

"Do we have to decide that now? We can decide that later when we're about to actually s-sleep," Marsy asks, her voice being forced as sleepiness alluded in her brown eyes.

"Well, we need somewhere to put all our stuff and we have to make the tents ourselves," Ceàn points out.

"Looks like we need our strong boys to do it for us," Elis beams at Meyer.

Robyn looks at the girl confused before walking over to Meyer and helping him situated the tent.

As the girls all begin to talk, I walked off to build a tent.

After finishing my first one, I neared Robyn and Meyer.

"What's up with that Eli girl?"

Robyn asks almost weirded out.

"She seems a little obsessed with you, Meyer and more than my type of teasing jokes obsessed."

Meyer just casually brushes it off,

"All the girls seem to be obsessed with me at some point."

Rolling my eyes at the boy's cocky answer, Robyn looks over to me, almost like he knew I had the actual answer.

"Well, Elis just has a crush on Meyer, since forever and she doesn't even hint about it anymore."

Robyn smirks slyly before annoucing,

"Looks like I'll have to step up my A- game."

Meyer just stares at the boy until he turns back to continue building the last tent.

He'd been quiet the whole walk up here and seemed to distance himself from Robyn.

"You don't have to worry, He's been unintentionally avoiding Elis since forever as well."

Robyn states a quiet "oh" before looking at the girl who seemed to be glaring back at him.

"That's kind of sad. She never move on?"

"Nope. She's an idiot, but a loyal one."

The boy states one more word to me before I turn to leave,

"I admire her, somewhat."

As I walked away, I didn't hear Meyer whispered,

"You don't have to step up anything for me, you know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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