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I wanted answers over my dreams.

Maybe they weren't just dreams.

Therefore, I'd decided I would go venture to Meyer's house and ask the younger sibling a few questions.

That's before I got the text from Meyer that Marsy had decided to stay at his place.

How convenient for me.

There wasn't a reason for why or anything given, just that she was there.

I desired to let my thoughts roam over this.

What'd I say that was so awful that the girl didn't even want to stay with her own boyfriend?

I thought about this question for longer than I had realized as my mo- Aunt Lowen knocked on my door to inform me that I had a visitor.


Unexpectedly, she moves out the way to let in my favorite freckled face ginger.


The girl smiled at me before lunging for a hug, wrapping me tightly in her arms.

She smelled like my aunt's "famous" honey butter croissants.

"Your Aunt was right. You've really stayed up all night?"

Rising my brow in confusion, she answer my own thoughts for me.

"Oh, she told me she  apparently could hear you tossing and turning all night, but she made breakfast."

I nodded my head slowly before asking,

"Why'd you come over?"

"To talk about your problems. When I first saw you on Wednesday, I could tell you weren't in the right mindset. So in order to understand how your life is now, I just wanted to know what's up."

I slightly understood why she was attempting to be so kind to me.

But, it was just another person who I'd throw my problems on.

And that's exactly what I did and all she did was sit and listen to my rants.

For at least an hour and somehow, I surprisingly still wasn't tired.

" think a small child killed that girl at pa-"

I knew she'd think I was crazy.

Of course, I was.

Ceàn would never do such a sin like that and I couldn't understand why my mind couldn't wrap around how innocent she was.

"You think I'm crazy?"

The girl faltered and stood silent for a mere moment before nodding her head.

"I think you're crazy for not just living your life. You have a whole life ahead of you and you seem to be letting finding "whodunit" be the focus."

Admittedly, she was right.

I had two weeks of enjoyment to myself and I was moping over every bad occurence that happen to me.

I didn't desire the feeling of constraint anymore.

I longed to get out of this overwhelming fear of depression.

Ironic enough, I actually desired to do something adventurous with my friends.

Sadly, I don't think any of them would be happily down for it.

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