Chapter 15

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A good while later, Jack and Davey came back out. Jack leaned down and whispered something to Les and picked him up.

"We beat 'em!"

The crowd erupted into shouts and cheers. Everyone was hugging each other and jumping up and down. I turned to Spot. "We did it!" We hugged, both of us laughing. I ran to Jack, throwing my arms around him. "We did it! I knew it!" I exclaimed. I hugged all of my fellas, Sarah, Davey, and Les. We all rejoiced.

Weasel and the Delanceys came walking through, leaving, and I was as happy as could be. I was thankful we didn't have to deal with them anymore. I looked around and I saw the bulls. I gasped. We had to get Jack out of here. Apparently Les had already alerted him because he came down off of Jack's shoulders.

We all started hiding Jack and Spot stood in front of me. Jack tried running but Denton stopped him.

"Jack, it's over," he said.

"Let him go, Denton!" I said, trying to push Jack.

"No, no, no. You don't have to run. You too, Jo. Not anymore. Not from the likes of him anyway." he said. "Come on, come on."

Jack and I started walking back to where we were, reluctantly. Spot was near me, which I was grateful for. He made me feel safe. The bulls opened the back door of their cart and a few boys hopped out. Then, a face that I had wished to see for a good while, showed up.


"Crutchy!" I exclaimed. I wanted to run and hug him. He looked like he was all right. One of the bulls brought Snyder around, his hands behind his back. The sight gave me hope that Snyder was finally getting arrested for his crimes. Crutchy caught Snyder's arm and said something to him, then slammed the cart door once he was in.

We all cheered. He was gone! Crutchy came to us and we all eagerly greeted him. I hugged him, so happy that he was all right. "Oh, Crutchy, I'm so glad youse okay!" I said.

He smiled. "Thanks, Jo. I really missed ya all,"

"We missed ya too,"

"You won't be seeing much of him anymore. Say goodbye, Warden." Denton said. And that we did; very enthusiastically at that.

"Jack, ya oughta seen it! He come stormin' into the Refuge wavin' his walkin' stick like a sword, and he's leadin' this army of lawyers and cops-"

"Who comes walkin' in?" Jack asked.

"Ya know, your friend. Him," Crutchy pointed into the crowd. "Teddy Roosevelt!"

"Teddy Roosevelt?!" I gasped. I looked at Spot, and his eyes were wide.

"The governor's very grateful you brought this problem to his attention," Denton said. "I said you might need a lift somewhere. He's glad to oblige. Anywhere you want. And this time, you ride inside."

I giggled at Denton's remark.

"So could he drop me and Jo off at the train yards?" Jack asked.

"Jack," I spoke up. He looked at me. "I ain't goin'. This is where I'm stayin'. This is my family. I ain't leavin'. I hope ya decide the same."

He looked down.

"Yeah, if that's what you want," Denton said.

Jack came and hugged me. "I love ya."

"I love ya too." I teared up. "Ride a palomino for me?" He smiled and nodded. We all followed him to the carriage as he got in. Then, they started pulling off, and we followed as far as we could. I was trying not to cry, but I couldn't help it.

The circulation bell rang and I walked with Spot until I got in line to get my papes. Davey was the first in line, buying a hundred papes, earning a pat on the back from the fellas. Soon, the crowd started to cheer again and we all turned to see what was happening.

It was Roosevelt and Jack coming back. He was coming back! We all crowded the carriage when it came up and I was the first to hug Jack. "Ya back!"

"I couldn't leave my lil' sista' behind, now could I? I did promise to look afta' ya." he smiled.

Everyone cheered and greeted him again. Jack looked up at Davey. "So how's the headline today?" Jack asked.

Davey smiled. "Headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes." We all cheered. Davey and Jack patted each other on the back.

Sarah came walking past me and stood in front of Jack, it ending with Jack kissing her. I gasped but started laughing. I had no idea they had felt that way! My brotha' had found someone. Maybe he wouldn't be as mad and he would understand about me and Spot.

His Queen- Spot Conlon X OCWhere stories live. Discover now