Chapter 3: Personal invitation

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[ The following day ]

I had seen this structure in so many pictures and movies, but it felt otherworldly to experience the Eiffel Tower in flesh and blood.

Once we finally reached the top, we saw a lot of screaming girls around a couple of guys. I couldn't see who they were since the hoard blocked our view. The cameras and phones clicked away like crazy so I guessed they were celebrities.

"What's going on there? Must be famous people," Sara said.

The security guards removed the squealing girls a little later because they were disturbing the celebrities and the tourists who wanted to enjoy the Eiffel Tower.

When the hoard of fangirls was finally gone, I got a chance to get a peek at the celebs. I almost had a heart attack, because that jerk from last night was among them.

"Damn, they are so hot," Sarah said, staring at them with big eyes.

"That jerk from last night is there!"

"Which one is it?"

"The one with the black snapback and shades."

"Damn, girl! He looks sexy," she grinned.

"Sarah, I'm gonna vomit," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Hey Anna, are you okay? I overheard that you were going to vomit," Marc suddenly asked, appearing next to us.

I stared at him in utter shock and felt my cheeks flush. "'m okay," I mumbled.

Marc smiled sweetly and placed a quick kiss on my cheek, taking me even more by surprise. My cheeks were surely a crimson red. I shifted my gaze to the other side to avoid looking at him and caught that jerk Neymar staring at us.

"By the way, why didn't you call, Anna?" Marc asked.

"I lost your number," I lied. I felt terrible for lying, but I couldn't bring it over my heart to tell him that I had thrown his number away on purpose.

Neymar walked over seconds later and shot me a look of disgust. "Bro, why are you talking with trash?"

Talk about trash!

I glared at him with the need to poke his eyes out no matter how beautiful they were.

"Stop being so rude man! Anna is a nice girl," Marc said.

Sarah gave me a cheeky wink and nudged me lightly. I gave her the shut-the-hell-up look, but it didn't wipe that smirk off her face.

"Your taste in women has seriously declined, Bartra!" Neymar scoffed.

"Whatever," Marc said irritated by that jerk's remark.

Neymar rolled his eyes and walked away with a smug look on his face.

"We are throwing a party at our hotel tonight. You and your friend should join us if you don't have other plans. And please ignore Neymar. I'll talk to him about his behavior."

"I will have to check with Sarah about tonight..."

"Yes! We are totally going!" Sarah said with a big smile.

I glared at her, but she ignored me. I barely knew Marc so I didn't think it was wise to trust him right away and join their party. On top of that, I was sure that jerk Neymar would ruin my night.

"I'm sorry Anna, but I have to leave now. Our team has a press conference in an hour so I hope to see you at 8 pm at our hotel?"

I hesitated. He suddenly grabbed my phone out of my hand. I watched him save his number in my contacts. "Now you can't lose it anymore. I will text you the address of our hotel later," he said with a wink before walking away.

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