Chapter 10: In Berlin

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"So it's your bag that I have in my possession! Woah, this must have been fate," he said out loud looking like things finally made sense to him.

"Fate? Because of your bag in my room, Marc thinks I've slept with you!"

Neymar remained quiet for a minute. He seemed to think about my words. "I will talk to him and explain everything. That will clear things up."

"Just stay out of this. You have caused enough trouble already." I was angry and blamed him, though I knew it was also my fault for kissing him back.

"I want to help you, but you are being mean to me. It's not like I forced you to kiss me back that night," he said with anger now blazing in his hazel-green eyes.

"What do you want from me, Neymar? First, you call me ugly and all those mean things. Then you want to kiss me and care for me. Is this some big game to you? Are you happy now?" I yelled as renewed tears pricked my eyes.

Neymar didn't reply and shifted his gaze away from me.

"I'm sorry, Anna. I never meant to play with your feelings or use you. When I first met you, I was in a bad situation as you already know. I was angry and mean because of that. I was too blind to see it in the beginning and when I finally saw it, it was already too late. I was a goddamn fool," he said quietly and got up from the couch.

I didn't understand what he was talking about and to be honest, I couldn't care less at the moment. "I never want to see you again, please leave." I was upset and confused about my feelings. I needed to be alone to think.

"Please don't do this. Let's talk about it," he sighed with summed shoulders.

"Get out!" I yelled and pushed him in anger.

His eyes widened in shock and I felt bad for yelling at him. I believed it was for the best for both of us if we separated ways. He hurt me more than once. And though he knew I was dating Marc, he came between us. I didn't understand his motives.

[ The next morning ]

Sarah and I were ready to leave Paris and its horrible memories behind. She heard everything that happened between Neymar and me last evening. But fortunately, she didn't question me about it. I think she understood that I didn't want to talk about it.

When we arrived at the airport, Sarah received a call. I saw her smile change into panic within seconds. She was shaking after the call ended and she looked pale.

"What happened?" I asked and put my hand on her shoulder.

"He...he got into a bad car accident..." she whispered in a quivering voice.

"Who got into an accident, Sarah?" I gasped.

"Daniel! He got into a car accident and it sounded really bad. This is all my fault because I cheated on him! Oh god! I need to go back, I need to see him!"

"I'm so sorry," I said and hugged her. "The accident isn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself."

"I need to catch the first flight back home. I need to be there by his side. He needs me."

"Of course, we will fly back home. Let's go and see if we can exchange our tickets."

We went to the airline ticket counter to ask if it was possible to exchange our tickets. The lady at the counter told us that it wasn't an issue but the only problem was that there was only one ticket available today. If I wanted to fly back as well I had to wait until tomorrow.

"Anna, you go to Germany as we have planned. You don't have to worry about me, I can fly home alone. You need to clear your head after everything that has happened. It will do you good."

"I can't just let you go alone, Sarah."

"Miss, the next flight will be tomorrow. Shall I book a ticket for you?" the lady at the ticket counter asked me impatiently as there was a line of people behind us.

"No, no she will not be joining me. She is going to Germany," Sarah answered.

After arguing with Sarah for a bit, I agreed to continue the trip alone to Germany. I made her promise me that she would keep me updated about Daniel's condition and I had to promise her that I would keep her updated about Germany.

I gave her a bear hug and then we parted ways to catch 2 different flights. It felt strange to go to Germany alone but I think Sarah was right. I needed this trip to clear my head.


I felt relaxed when I woke up in my new hotel room in Germany. The sun was shining brightly outside. It was going to be a beautiful day and I looked forward to exploring the city.

A new text message from Sarah greeted me.

"Hey Anna, did you arrive safely in Germany? Daniel woke up from his coma. He is weak but the doctor said he will recover. I'm so happy right now!!! Send me pictures from Germany okay? I miss you already!"

I smiled and replied to her.

"Hey Sarah, I'm so happy to hear the good news about Daniel! I hope he will recover soon. Tell him that he is in my prayers. How are you doing, though? It's a sunny day in Germany and I wished you were here with me. I miss you too!"

I placed my phone on the nightstand and let out a sigh. I blocked Neymar's and Marc's numbers last night because I wanted to forget about them and everything that happened in Paris. Marc didn't trust me and Neymar played with my feelings. It was too painful to think about them.

Berlin was a beautiful city and I spent the day sightseeing. On one of the guided group tours, I met a couple of girls who invited me to join them to a party at a famous club later that evening. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go at first but then I decided to get dolled up and have some fun. I really needed the distraction.


Anna is on her own and she is moving on. What do you think?

Please don't forget to vote and comment♥

Edited 27/04/2016

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