Your Heart

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Hiyori was happy.

Hiyori knew what happened last night.

She kissed Yato.

But just the thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

Hiyori sat up from her bed and stretched her arms out.

She yawned and and got out from her sheets.

She had a normal morning as usual doing the practical tasks that everybody would probably do.

She got dressed and headed out to once again meet up with Yato and Yukine.

She was in a good mood walking down the streets. She was thinking about what she and Yato would do today.

She and Yato.


And Yato.

She stopped walking.


But something snapped her out of her trance and she continued to walk not wanting to change her mood.

"Good morning! Yato, Yukine." Hiyori said bright and cheerful.

Hiyori looked at the two boys lounging on the floor.

Yato unsurprisingly looked happy as always.

Yukine on the other hand looked disgusted and as if he had seen something truly terrifying.

"Seriously Hiyori, you could've done better than him!"

"What do you mean brat?" Yato shot back.

"I mean is that there are so many other guys out there, plus how this this gonna work out when you and Yato can't eve-"

"Aaaand I think that's enough blubbering for now!" Yato nervously said with hands cupped on Yukine's mouth.

"Hiyori, Lets go on a date!" Yato spoke once again releasing Yukine.

"I-Including Y-ukine?"

"No stupi- I-I meean Hiyori, Just us!"

Hiyori new they weren't officially girlfriend and boyfriend but she guessed this was a normal thing to do before they are well... "official."

Roller skating... Great." Hiyori huffed as she looked down at her phone.

I guess you could say that one of Hiyori's disabilities is roller skating.

And when I say "one of her disabilities" I mean her biggest disability.

She grabbed her bag and left.

"Where is she?" Yato pouted.

He paced back and forth in front of the building.

Yato chose to go roller skating because of his obvious skills from back in the day.

He was not for sure why he chose roller skating but he also obviously never gone out on a date so how would he know where to go.

Yato flipped open his phone to see if he had gotten any text messages.

"nothin-" Yato started.

"Yato!" A murmured voice called from the distance

Hiyori once again was breathless and running to catch up with Yato.

"Jeez what took you so long."

"Oh never mind that, lets just go ahead and get inside."

Yato smiled and jerked Hiyori in the building.

"Try these on for size!"

Yato pulled out a pair of roller skates in front of Hiyori.

"Oh uh well...y-you see I wasn't planning on roller skating."

"Hiyori your no fun."

Yato keeled down and did that cute thing that happens in Cinderella when he fits the shoe on "her" foot.

Hiyori blushed a dark hue of red.

"There we go, looks like a fit!"

Hiyori stood up with wobbled knees.

"Come on Hiyori what's the matter can't you- oh I see." Yato smirked.

"Hiyori shook her head. "N-No I don't need any help."

But before she knew it Yato had picked her off her feet and on to the skating rink.


"Don't worry it's easy!"

Its easy he said.

Hiyori was helped by Yato.

Hiyori got the hang of it.

Hiyori had a wonderful time.

The two broke out the doors laughing and chuckling.

"And he was all like-"

"Yeah he was all like , hey where'd you go you ticket stealing scoundrel!" Yato chuckled.

"Who even uses the word scoundrel anymore!"

"Are ye scoundrel who stole meh booty?"

Hiyori cracked up at Yato s impression.

And at this moment Yato had a sudden urge again.

He grabbed her by her waist chest on chest.

"Yato your too funn- mmph."

The too kissed on the spot as if nobody was watching.

"mm- Yato!" Hiyori smiled.

Yato looked with a mischievous grin.

"Are you two having fun?"

They jerked their heads to see who the voice was coming from.

"It's a shame a relationship like this has to end so quickly."

"WHO'S THERE?!" Yato made a motion to grab his sekki which unfortunately wasn't there at the time.

"dammit!" Yato mumbled under his breath.

"Oh I'm not gonna hurt you!"

"I was just saying how it's such a waist to even bother with this relationship."

"I mean, how can a mortal live and grow old the rest of her life with a God."

"She can't, that's how."

"WHERE ARE YOU!" Yato yelled.

"Well, that is unless a God gets a human life."

"But why would a God do that, what would be the point."

"Giving up such powers."

Yato gripped on Hiyori.

"What a waste."

And out of no where a light brown haired young man stepped out.

"What a waste."

Hiyori's heart pounded strong.

Yato could feel it.

Your heart.

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