Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I didn’t want to become some embittered old hack getting his revenge for the rest of my life. And I didn’t want to become some scared creature cowering in a corner. I remember telling myself not to carry the hatred around, although I know where it is. I have it in a trunk in storage. ~Salman Rushdie



Noor didn’t know what she was thinking when his voice wavered through the air and met her ears. When she heard his voice, when the sound of his primal growl echoed in her mind, she should have just turned and walked away, going home to live yet another day. She should have run home, leaving the horrid being behind her to suffer through another day of his hopefully miserable existence. She knew what she should have done, what Yuna would have wanted her to do, but she couldn’t leave, not when this was the closest she had been to him since that terrible night. She could kill him like he had killed her. She could get her revenge, finally ripping off a single hand so he could no longer fight as well as the rest of the Felamus.


She was so close to him. In the distance she could see the outline of his body through the break of the trees, sitting on the ground as another form stood behind him. The person of her nightmares was right ahead of her, enjoying the tainted meat of his pursuit. If she got a little closer she could probably throw her weapon at him, taking him out before he even noticed that she was there. Everything was going perfectly until her wing fell upon a thin twig that snapped under its weight.


Everything happened so quickly after that. Though she tried to run violent hands grabbed her ankles, causing her to fall down face first into the mud. They were too feminine to belong to him; they had to belong to his companion. Her claws dug into the skin around her ankle, dragging her struggling body through the forest floor as if her body was already drained of its life. “You’re so lucky.” An angry voice muttered as she was pulled. “If I hadn’t seen your wing, you’d be dead. But I think he’d want to see you first.” Noor was confused as to who would want to see her, and even more puzzled as to why she was being attacked for simply breaking a branch.


Then she was at someone’s feet, her face still against the muddy ground. She heard a sharp intake of air come from his mouth, and a hissed swear from his female friend when she noticed his expression. He remembered her. She felt satisfied, hoping the thought of her haunted him to even the smallest degree. “Do you want me to…” The girl said, hinting towards Noor’s death. She knew she would most likely die if they met again, and she was ready for it. She squeezed her eyes shut, colors flashing in the darkness on the back of her eyelids.


“No, Tilly. Leave her here. I’ll find you eventually.” He said, taking one step closer to her body. Tilly. The female’s name was Tilly. What a pretty name for such a horrible creature. She was as heartless as the monster she was a friend to. Maybe they were together in more than a friendly state, which would make absolute sense. The most horrible beings often found each other for love, as no one else would ever want to be with them.


“But Aeron, I can’t leave you here. Not with her.” Tilly said, and Noor couldn’t help but let out a guttural laugh. They were disgusting, acting like they cared for each other at all. Felamus were terrible creatures that only cared about themselves. They were absolutely together. There was no other way that they would show any consideration towards one another.

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