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Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people. ~Jawaharlal Nehru


“A small group of children ran through an open field, their wide red eyes sparkling as their lanky bodies took off into the sky, their large wings flapping wildly. They had only just learned how to glide through the air, and their control was consequently sloppy. However, Noor didn’t mind much. She wasn’t nearly as strict as she used to be, her spirit much more carefree. Her heart burst at the sight, proud of her young ones learning all on their own. Though her once powerful wings were gone, replaced by two pointy stumps sticking out of her back, she no longer missed flying. Her husband by her side was enough to keep her grounded forever.


She clapped excitedly, cheering out in complete joy as they spun against the bright shades of blue. A pair of arms draped over her shoulders from behind, wrapping around her. “Hello there.” A voice whispered into her ear, warm breath tickling her sensitive skin. “Aren’t they wonderful? My children are absolutely incredible.” His children? She turned around to snap at him, but his joking grin immediately calmed her down. “They’re a true work of art.” He continued, his fingers tapping against the sides of her neck gently. “A combination of the two best people in the entire world.” They both sighed, gentle lips meeting softly before they looked up into the sun.  


They had been married for years now. After her last feather fell, they never once left the presence of the other. Going back to any type of city was out of question, and instead they had built a home in the middle of the clearing where they had first met. Their first meeting was full of bad intentions, but it eventually blossomed into something beautiful.


He was beautiful. Their children were beautiful. His lips trailed down the side of her face, all of his actions full of love. Love. Eventually he grew to mean it, they both grew to mean it. Their hearts molded together into one entity, their brains synchronizing into one. As their children flew, they wandered to the far end of the large clearing, a small alter built of flowers resting atop a wooden tree stump. Though their parting was bad, both of them grew to appreciate all that Tilly and Zander had done. The past versions of them, the ones that existed before Noor and Aeron crossed paths, were pure, kind, and detrimental to their lives. No matter how much they had hurt them, the two could never let go of their tied emotions.


Three bright white flowers rested in a straight line within a wreath of vines, symbolizing each of the three lost during their path to their destiny. Their hands met, wrapping around one another as they looked at the symbolic grave. “I hope they found happiness.” Noor said, leaning her head against his arm. “If only I could go back to that time…it would be nice to relive it all again and maybe even change things.”


“Don’t think like that.” He said, shaking his head at her gently. “This is where you belong. In the present, not in the past. Everything that happened did so for a reason, and it all led us to this wonderful ending.” And just as she began closing her eyes, she looked ahead and saw the sun setting. In that moment, she knew that wherever they were going, it could not possibly be more beautiful than that moment. Right then, right there, the sun was setting and creating a gorgeous hue.  As the colors danced down around them, they were both reminded of that odd, odd day years ago when everything began and thought funny it should end like this. They strolled away, holding onto the hands of one another. How long their happiness could possibly remain continued to be unseen, but in that very moment their ending was finally happy.”

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