"Push" Preview

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Push: A Tale of Eternal Life and Romantic Bloodlust

Book Two of the Chaos Series


Chapter One


The destination is a happy life, an accomplished life that doesn’t end with death but eternal life. ~Angelo Scola



She was never someone who had more than one friend at a time. She never denied that she wasn’t a people person, but she never put herself into situations that might end in distress. She usually would like to think that she was the one who chose to move through people like a dangerous wildfire, but she always knew deep down that might have been the problem all along. She always stared a little too long at strangers, her favorite color had always been black which reflected itself in every item of clothing she put on voluntarily, and her pessimistic look upon life was something that most people could not stand to be around for any extended period of time. If someone had agreed to be around her, it was most likely to try to take her on as some type of project. Her most recent temporary friend, a bouncy blond named Jule, walked besides her down the city street, her hands wildly gesturing as she spoke. “You’d love him, Psyche.” She insured, her bright baby blue eyes wavering over the lines of shop windows that they passed. Most of the businesses were closed or abandoned, but her eyes continued to window shop as if she would possibly walk in and buy something with the little money she had in her purse. She was one of the people who liked to pretend that everything was okay like it had once been, but Psyche knew how the world truly was now. It was a terrible place, with dangers lurking around every corner.


“How did you even meet him?” Psyche asked, her black laced-up boot kicking at the bent can that she had been controlling for at least ten minutes. The constant, repetitive action distracted her from how terrified she actually was. Since she had met Jule, the girl had made it her own personal mission to introduce her to the perfect guy. She obviously believed that if she could find Psyche a man to calm her nerves, she would be the type of person that she would actually want to spend time with. As if such a thing as a perfect guy possibly existed anyways. And even if he did wander the earth searching for someone like her, Jule would not be the one to find him. Every night she would trade in her school uniform for a tight piece of fabric, journeying out to the most dangerous parts of the city for a thrill. People died at night, and Psyche often told Jule so, but in Jule’s mind it wasn’t safe no matter where you went. She wasn’t looking for danger; she was just looking for a good time.


“Don’t worry about how I found him, just think about how great it is that I did!” Jule insisted, her loud and bubbly voice echoing through the empty street they were wandering down. The sun was going to set soon, a gentle orange glow beginning to rise behind them. How had she possibly been convinced to go with Jule on one of her nightly adventures? Psyche tugged at the hem of her short white t-shirt, pulling it down to the top of the waistband of her faux leather pants. Not only had she agreed to let Jule show her the nightlife, but she had also let the girl pick out her clothing for the night. All to impress some guy that she knew nothing about besides his name.


“Trust me, Curran is a gentleman.” Jule said, tossing her arm around Psyche’s shoulders sloppily as they walked. She hadn’t even taken a single sip of alcohol but her each of steps caused her body to gently sway back and forth, hitting against Psyche’s arm. “He’s like, exactly your type.” She wanted to insert that Jule had in fact no idea what her type was, that Psyche herself had no idea if she even had a type, but she said nothing. It was difficult to insert any words while Jule was talking, her unfiltered thoughts constantly spewing out of her mouth. “Like, with manners but a hard outer shell. Totally exactly like you!” The sky was growing darker, the orange hues now taking up most of the sky. She felt her heart pound, knowing that soon the streets would be filled with people that every logical person would try to avoid.

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