Chapter Twenty-Four and a Half

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Chapter Twenty-Four and a Half


Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. ~C.S. Lewis


There is a world outside of the world, its existence reserved solely for those who passed away. It is the only place on Terrack where all four races blend peacefully: the Nocarae, the Felamus, the Fauneck, and the Originals. The world was not full of the treacherous dangers that Terrack saw on a daily basis, but it was only full of pure beauty and tranquility. The long beaches were never hit by rough waves, only the gentle lull of a shore sliding through the soft sand to touch the toes of those walking along the long stretch. Gentle hills and fields rolled across the land in between the white clusters of sand, flowers of infinite shades rising up out of the ground to reach towards the bright sun that fed them.


In the middle of the largest field was a small wooden house. The inside was much bigger than it appeared, holding inside all of the last generation of Originals. Their true home was in that cabin, where they would sit in a circle and gaze down upon all of the living creatures down below. At times they would solidify their souls on the temporary world to guide the mortals to their true destinies, but until it was time for them to act they made their home alongside those who passed away.


Zander lay in that same field now, his body resting a few meters away from the home of the Originals, his gaze watching up as Yuna’s dark outline circled in the sky above. Her wings were long, the span almost completely blocking out the sun that never ceased to shine. She called down to him, repeating his name as she told him to join her. He turned to the girl lying next to him as if he was asking for permission to temporarily leave her alone. Even in the afterlife he was always looking out for the opinion of another before he acted, respecting the needs of others before his own wants like a true gentleman.


The one he looked to smiled, nodding her orange girls softly against the ground. “Go ahead.” Tilly whispered, grinning as Zander’s lips grazed her own softly. Even in this afterlife, he followed her everywhere she went. However, this time she followed him as well. She let go of his hand, watching in awe as he took off towards the skies above. Tilly would never get tired of watching him, his body soaring above in the most graceful movements she had ever seen.


She was right when she thought in her past life that she would love him as well in any other circumstance. With Aeron and Noor still alive on the first level of earth, nothing was blocking the raw emotion inside of her heart. Tilly stood up, using her hand to block the sun from her sensitive eyes. The sun brightly moved around his gliding form, turning his body into a dark outline. Her heart was filled with images of him, her mind full of knowledge based on every movement he made. She knew how he acted, how he moved, how he thought. She knew everything about him, and he knew everything about her. These emotions were far different from what she felt on Terrack towards Aeron, and they definitely felt much better.


Yuna flew down from the sky towards her, slowing to a stop next to Tilly’s standing body. The two of them had surprisingly become good friends despite the history between Yuna and Zander. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Yuna asked happily, her glowing smile focused towards Tilly. “The way he flies, I mean, is beautiful. Watching him move like that used to be my favorite thing in the whole wide world.” At times Tilly often got jealous, but it was mostly due to the fact that Yuna had more time with him in living form. Whenever her emotions overwhelmed her, Tilly simply reminded herself that she now had an eternity with him. Zander’s body was flying towards them now, slowing down only enough to scoop up Tilly’s body. She let out a squeal of joy as they swung up into the air, the ground growing small as they rose higher. “It’s so beautiful!” She said happily, the laughter from both of their mouths blending together between them.


He gazed at her as they stopped rising, their bodies circling together slowly. Their rings clanked together as both of their hands met, their hearts pounding loudly. He spoke compliments gently, his words whispering into her ear. She was smart, she was beautiful, and her soul was luminescent. Nothing she could possibly do to him now would ever be of bad intention.


She knew that was not true. Most of the things he said were only formed off of his biased opinion, but that didn’t stop them from lifting her heart. It was by his guidance that she became a better person, and she wouldn’t have wished for their path to fold out any other way. Their lips met gently once again as they floated, the only breeze coming from his strong wings flapping back and forth.

The first level of Terrack was no place for their love. It was far too big to exist on a mortal level. After death, their true feelings for one another blossomed into something pure and beautiful.

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