Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


There is sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love. ~Washington Irving


After her encounter in the forest, Noor’s mind was overwhelmed with possibilities of who her mysterious savior could have possibly been. She inserted herself into the community for the first time in years, her ears carefully listening to each and every voice she conversed with for the slightest similarities. None of their voices came even close to his, and she was beginning to become exhausted from her endless search. That’s what she was doing then, talking to Zander in the marketplace as her ears focused on those passing her. Whenever she came back to focus on him once more, he was still rambling about the same topic. He was sobbing about Yuna, and she was half-heartedly trying to console him though it should have been the other way around. She was the one who had lost her own twin sister, and though Zander had loved her there was no doubt in Noor’s mind that she had loved her more.  His hand was on hers, his thumb circling softly on her palm. They were back to how they were before he had met Yuna, but things were still uncomfortable. Whenever one of them mentioned her, all of their conversations turned dark. They’d be laughing one second and arguing the second, their words that were laced with affection changing to pure venom.


Zander was now saying something about their last conversation, spewing sappy words that Noor knew inside meant nothing in comparison to how she felt. This time she had mentioned it first, her eyes casting upon a bird that Yuna would have loved. Its colors were intricate, shades of blue and gray weaving through white feathers. He had gotten upset then, worried that their relationship was torn over Yuna. That argument eventually turned to who missed her more, or who made her leave them, or something along those lines. She still hadn’t told him the truth about where Yuna was, but it didn’t truly matter anymore. Either way she was gone.


“Zander, She misses you as well. You know that. Being sad does not help anything.” He nodded then, his eyes looking up at the sky as if she was above them somewhere. “She’d want you to be happy. Being sad won’t bring her home.” She nudged his arm, and for the first time in days a smile fell onto his face. Zander’s arm wrapped around her shoulder, his fingers trailing across her shoulder blades before finding their place resting on her upper arm. He admitted that she was right in it all, but that it didn’t help with how much he missed her. Sometimes he still felt her around him, her energy filling his heart. “I never feel her anymore.” She whispered, her eyes welling up. She couldn’t stand to be near him anymore. She decided that she had to leave as soon as possible, fighting back the tears that threatened to spew out.


She pushed off of the wall that they leaned against, slipping out from underneath his arm before she was suddenly pushing through the crowds of people. She folded into their moving bodies, weaving through any open gaps. He called after her, but she was already gone. Eventually the crowd faded out, diminishing into a small trickle of individuals and eventually she was the only one on the wooden road. Her head started to pound, hitting against her skull in steady beats.


She tried to push farther, her body wavering back and forth with unsteady steps. Noor forgot how to walk, struggling to put one foot in front of the other. It hurt, everything hurt. Her body began to fall down. Well, at least she hoped that she was falling down. Otherwise there was a lot more wrong with her than a slight headache. Her body fell towards the ground, her vision blacking out before she felt the impact.

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