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Buzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzz! Buzzzzzzzzzzzz! I can hear my phone vibrating on the nightstand beside my bed, screaming in alarm language that I'm going to die if I don't get up now. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I groan angrily and reach for my phone, hitting the "stop alarm" button that pops up on the lock screen. I punch in my password, 0123 (my birthday). My home screen wallpaper lights up with a picture of my best friend Carter and I. Yawning, I sit up, stretching my arms above my head.

"What gifs have you sent me now?" I mutter to myself as I open my Instagram messages. The first thing I see is cats attacking each other with lightsabers. He has also (more than once) told me that it's summer break. 'Exactly why I should be sleeping in' I type, then smash my head back into my pillow.

"I might never be your knight in shining armor ... I might never be the one to take you home to mother ... I might never be the one who brings you flowers ..." My ringtone, Perfect by One Direction, starts to play. I groan and pick up "What?" I say sourly, knowing it's Carter.

"It's summer break ..." Carter says sheepishly

"I will kill you, Anderson!" I say jokingly.

"Please don't," I can almost hear him smile as he speaks.

"Do you even care that I'm trying to sleep in?" I sigh, combing my free hand through my long, chocolate brown hair.

"No, I really don't. I'm outside."

I jump out of bed, my blanket tangled around my legs, and hop to the window. Sure enough, Carter waves, smirking, from my front lawn.

"You coming?" he asks, even though he already knows the answer.

"I hate you." I grumble, but I can't help smiling.

"No, you don't, Dayly."

I hang up on him, supressing a frustrated grunt-laugh. I rush to my dresser, throwing on a grey T-shirt that reads 'Books are my life', and a pair of bright blue skinny jeans. I thump down the stairs and slide across the kitchen floor on my socks, stopping to pour myself a cup of cold coffee from yesterday.

"I'm going out with Carter!" I yell into the living room, stuffing a cookie into my mouth.

"Be back by lunch, love you sweety!" My mom's kind, sing-song voice floats out of the living room.

"Love you too" I say as I run out the door, pulling on a light sweater with the UBC logo on it, it actually belongs to my older sister, Anne.

The early summer breeze blows against my face, it's not so hot this morning, there were no clouds to keep us warm during the night.

"There's my sleeping beauty" Carter smiles, holding out a steaming cup of coffee.

"Oh! thank God!" I say dumping the cold coffee and throwing my travel mug onto the yard. I hold out my hands for the coffee. A 'Ha-ha, no way' smirk appears on Carter's face.

"Did you really think it would that easy? Get into the car first." He chuckles, holding the coffee over his head. I sigh and walk around to the passenger side of Carter's old blue jeep. He hops in and hands me the coffee. I take a sip, the warm liquid waking me up.

I turn on the radio. I'm lucky today, a song that I actually know, and like! Adele's Hello blares through the speaker.

"Hello from the other side! I must've called a thousand times!" Carter and I belt the song at the top of our lungs, the windows rolled down for the world to hear us.

"So, where are we going?" I say when the song finished,

"Aroma Mocha, I need breakfast."

"Alrighty, then!"

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