Homecoming Part 2

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Cam and I walked over to the punch bowl and begin sipping the sweet fruity goodness, that god knows the seniors have attempted to spike. I take the last sip of mine and grin over at cam. We make eye contact and he snorts, spitting the punch back into his glass. He starts laughing, and unfortunately for me, it appears to be contagious, as soon after, I'm laughing as well. 

After about a good 60 seconds of laughter, he takes a step closer, running a hand through my red curls. I blush. 

"payback" he smirks.

 "for when you made me sexually confused by doing just this," I blink. 

"nice explanation," I mutter, trying not to lean into his touch. 

he grins setting his drink down and taking his hand away from my hair. "you know...when i took my hand away?...you whined" i grin laughing softly emensesly enjoying the blush that forms on his cheeks. "oh s-shut up ju" he says clearly quite flustered. i only laugh more. he trys to grab my sleeve to make me look at him but i dart away. "jude it's not that funny!" he says holding back giggles himself. i force a serious face. "yes yes your right it's not" he takes one look at me and breaks laughing loudly. "why are you so damn cute!" he says between laughs. 

my cheeks flame. and i shrug...it's all i can do. words are hard. 

once he calms down he stands up straight smileing at me. his hand in his pocket. 


you can do this.

i reach my hand over pulling his out of his pocket and intertwining our fingers. he looks down at out interlaced hands.

 "what's this?" he smirks. "did you just make a move?" he asks cocking an eyebrow.

 I nod looking straight ahead. "I guess i did" i say smileing a little to myself. "oooh this is war" he says leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "my prince charming" i blink sorta shell shocked. "so i'm yours now?" i say looking up at him. he blushes most of his confident frount gone. "i-i mean if you.." i grin going up on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. "boom anouther move on my account" he shakes his head grinning. "are you turning this into a game ju?"  

i jump backward when he trys to make anouther move. "maybe i am" i smile.

he puts a hand on his hip and cocks his head to the side. "ok then prepare for me to beat you...we need rules..." i nod in agreement. "ok, so first one to kiss the other before the dance ends loses?" he says smirking. i giggle. "are we seriously doing a move off?" 

he comes closer. "yes we are" he says takeing my hand and trying to walk into the middle of the dancefloor. "brace yourself ju i'm quoteing something" he says leaning a little closer to me. "MOVE WE'RE GAY!" he yells projecting his voice with his hands.

my cheeks go red. people laugh but they part for us enough to get to the middle with no problem. "cam!" i laugh . he's just chuckleing. a second later he twirls me close. "brace yourself" i blink. "but i haven't gone!" he hugs me from behind resting his head on my shoulder. "you know the book you talked about like all night the first night we met? the red queen? well i bought it and i read the whole series and it was fantastic" 

no jude. 

don't lose! 

but he read it!!!


i turn in his arms. "prove it" he smirks. "the truth is what i make it. i could set this world on fire and call it rain." he says it exactly how i imagined maven would and i had a small thing for maven.

"well you suck" i mutter and go up on my tiptoes and kiss him quickly. 


"EXCUSE ME!?" i'm yanked away from jude. i turn to face alex. "YOUR GAY!?" she says her eyes wide dahlia is chuckleing behind her. i nod. "COMMON CAM! who am i gonna talk about girls with now!?" dahlia comes up behind her and smacks the back of her head. "and WHO are these girls your talking about?" she raises an eyebrow. alex just scoffs. "you of course my darling" she says looking at dahlia challengeingly.

i chuckle. "alex i think you met jude he's my..." 

what are we? is he my boyfriend? i want him to be my boyfriend. 

jude steps up holding a out a hand. "i'm cam's significant annoyence" he says smileing. 

alex shakes his hand then looks back at me. "and why didn't i know about this? i thought we were close!" she fanes looking hurt. "it JUST happened tonight alex you aren't missing anything"

she looks at me suspishiously. "you haven't..." dahlia cuts in her cheeks red. "ok alex time to go somewhere,anywhere else you two enjoy yourselfs" she smiles and drags a cackleing alex away. 

i look back at jude. "so dahlia doesn't hate me...nice" he grins.

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