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Alex won't let me see her the whole day so I spend the time with cam. 

his head is rested on my lap as he rambles on and on about how he can't tell Jude cause it would ruin everything. I play with his hair while he gets it all out. "how did you and Alex get together" I he asks suddenly. "at camp? at the beginning of summer I tried to kiss her and she didn't let me then she surname to my charm's and kissed me the next day" he barks a laugh. "Alex has more charm in her pinkie finger then you have in your whole body" I hold my hand to my heart. "OW!" he shrugs. "its not my choice" he points at the ceiling. "god just poured more charm into Alex's cup then yours"  I grab a pillow and shove a pillow in his face. he laughs "just be happy that I actually LIKE your girlfriend!" he scrambles away and grabs another pillow chucking it at my head. it hits hard and the momentum makes me fall back on the bed. "Jerk!" I mutter. cam stands across the room smirking like an idiot. "boom I win"


 The lighting in my basement is terrible, it lit by naked, hot white hanging lightbulbs. They're totally safe ... I think. 

 James runs up to me, asking "Did you get the popcorn!?" He's extremely concerned. He believes having popcorn is the most important thing in the world."Yeah, it's on the table." I mutter, dreading this party."Good!" He says then sprints away. 



"Get it!" James yells at me, exasperated. This is his weak attempt to stay popular. 

 I sigh and walk to the door. I swing it open, expecting to see Soren or Anthony. 

 "Cam!" I smile at the smirking brunette at my door.Blushing a light toffee pink. 

"I - uh - hi?" I say then mentally face palm."Hey," A wicked grin spreads across his face, "Heard there was a party at your house ...can I come in? " He smirks , he's such an idiot. he runs a hand through his hair the way that makes my stomach summersault. he's dressed in his homecoming outfit as everyone will be. he's wearing a black button up shirt with a pair of black jeans to match his mask is in his hand. 




 "Y - yeah! Of course!" I blink, staring at him.KNOCK IT OFF JUDE! I yell in my head.Smiling, I gesture for him to come inside. 

Just then, James walks upstairs. He stands behind me as Cam takes his sneakers off, crossing his arms and scowling."What's HE doing here?" Disgust clear in his voice."He's my friend." I state persistently, stepping in front of Cam protectively. Cam glances up at me. James rolls his eyes."Fine. Just keep him away from me." He struts back downstairs cam watches him go glaring at his retreating form. "you good?" I mutter. he waves his hand dissuasively "yeah I'm fine" 

 Cam straightens up to his full height. He's about a foot taller than me, maybe more. I look up at him, my cheeks turning a nice shade of crimson."Wanna go downstairs?" I ask, turning away from Camron and walking to the top of the stairs. I'm not exactly giving him an option here. "Sure." he says, doing a cute little run to catch up with me. 

 He's so perfectly beautiful. 

once we get downstairs James retreats back upstairs to wait for the rest of our class. cam settles onto the couch. I can't tear my eyes away from him. his eyes break my gaze to scan me. "nice outfit" he says and smiles sweetly. I'm wearing a dark blue collared button up shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans. "um thanks I like yours to" I blush coming over and sitting beside him. 

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