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The old clock on the wall almost managed to drone out the deafening silence as the pair stared at each other.

"So, what brings you down this way, eh? come to see your old man?" he grins.

"Where's my brother?" she ignores his attempt at small talk.

She knew what her dad was like, even if James tried to hide it from her.

He nods lightly, lowering his beer on the rotting wood he called a table,
"fuck knows".

Wendy scoffs, father of the year.

"You sure? he doesn't exactly have many places to go" she tries, he had to know something, some clue.

He sighs loudly, "listen, I've been over this shit with the police already, i don't fucking know" he leans back in his seat.

The dusty room falls quiet again as she thinks.

Their dad was all she had to go on.

She would never find him now.

"Fine, thanks for the help" she bites her tongue, climbing up the stairs of the boat into the cold.

Her phone vibrates in her pocket and she pulls it out.

2 new voicemails

"Great" she pulls it to her ear.

"Where the fuck are you? you break into my house, steal my property? come home before i call the police" her mother spits down the line.

Wendy rolls her eyes as she opens the other.

"Wendy, uh, it's me, Rich. Haven't seen you for a while, no one has...just call me back".

The message ends and she lowers the phone.

She wasn't sure why he got her so worked up, it was like everything he did mattered.

Police sirens grow closer and she shoves her phone in her jeans, pulling her hood up.


They shine flashlights into the car and she curses under her breath, turning the other way.

"Excuse me, miss" an officer calls after her and she slows.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry" she lies as he approaches.

"At this time? it's past midnight".

She furrows her brows, "so?".

He stares at her irritated, "do you know who the car belongs to?" he points behind him.

She shakes her head, "no, can i leave now?" she snaps, regretting it.

"Hey! Wendy come back love--" her dad steps off the boat.

He freezes as all eyes turn to him.

"Wendy Cook, i take it?" the officer turns to her with a smug look.

Bad Reputation ♡ Rich Hardbeck (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now