9♡ Milk and Flour

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Wendy watches conflicted as an older Burlesque woman dances around the men in the corner.

"So you're just gonna roll over then?" Rich scoffs as they try to sort Alo's problem.

His parents want to drop him out of college to work on the farm with his dad.

"Well, what else can i do?" Alo slumps.

"Go Viking on that shit, burn the fucker down" Rich encourages dramatically, stabbing his food.

Alo shakes his head, "Nah, couldn't do it to the old boy".

"So where do you draw the line? you're a person, Alo, not a cow" Matty motivates.

"It's your life, so you get to choose, that's the deal" he shrugs.

Alo sighs, "i know they're being shitty but i can't just wreck the farm" he stammers.

"It's all they've got, and i..you know.." he mumbles awkwardly.

"No, what?" Matty asks blankly.

Alo rolls his eyes,
"i love them and stuff".

"Haha you're gay for your parents" Rich jokes and everyone snickers.

Rich turns to Wendy as she laughs, making her cheeks turn pink.

The door swings open as Mini and Grace stroll in.

Grace starts dancing with the burlesque dancer and Mini scolds her, dragging her to the table.

"What exactly are we doing in this shithole?" Mini huffs, sitting down.

"They've done a kidnap on me" Alo grins.

Wendy rolls her eyes, turning to Grace, "Alo fancies his parents, even though they're making him drop out for free slave labour on the farm".

Alo makes a face at her and she returns it.

"You've got to do something mate, cuz it won't stop, they'll just keep grinding you down until you're miserable amd soulless and old just like them" Matty hits him with the truth.

Liv nods, eating a chip, "You've gotta stick it to the man, bruv".

The door opens again and Alo's dog Rags runs over, eating from his plate.

Alo groans, "bollocks".

"Aloysius Schmeichel Creevey!" his mum strides over, freezing behind him.

"Fucking sell-out, Rags!" Alo scoffs.

He pushes himself from his chair, walking towards the door.

Everyone sighs, staring at the table.

Rushed footsteps head towards the table.

Alo grabs Rich, pulling him up into a tight hug.

He squeezes him before following his mum.

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