2 | breece

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"only you"
- fluff
- 619 words

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"Fuck off!", Reece screamed angrily. at the moment, everything got him angry. Especially his not-working relationship with his girlfriend Vicky. It wasn't really Vicky's fault. She was beautiful as always and Reece couldn't understand himself, being annoyed by everything she did.

Vicky was almost a head tinier than him, but she looked at him angrily, judging and sad at the same time, he felt really bad for everything he did. Before, he didn't think about her. He just enjoyed it. He enjoyed being with Blake more than being with Vicky. Blake and Vicky were not really different. Both had dark brown hair, beautiful eyes and even their character was similar. Still, he loved Blake way more than Vicky.

"I understand if you don't love me, Reece!", Vicky said, tears streaming done her face. "And I won't judge you if you love a boy. But why did I need to find out like that? Why did you cheat? You could just break up with me, since you didn't care about me it wouldn't even hurt you! But no, you cheated!" She breathed in deeply and wiped away the tears away.

Reece wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Vicky was right. Cheating was wrong and shit and he shouldn't have done it. but he couldn't stop. Blake's lips felt so good on his and at that moment he didn't think about the consequences. It was just him and Blake, and the moment.

"I'm breaking up with you", Vicky said, her voice cracking. "I don't want to see you again. Goodbye, Reece." With these words she grabbed her jacket from the garderobe and ran out of Reece's flat.

Reece, at the same time, felt really bad. he didn't love Vicky, not in that way, but he really didn't want to see her sad. Maybe you should have thought of that earlier, something in his head said. But he didn't regret it. He didn't regret kissing blake, loving him or anything else. Not even a little.

He knew the boy for a really long time. Longer than vicky. he met her at a café, while he knew blake from college. He had the flat next to him and so, they slowly became friends. Reece always wanted more. He just couldn't admit it to himself. He couldn't admit loving a boy. It was so different from everything he ever had.

Blake didn't have those struggles. He was openly gay and the last night, he told Reece that he had feelings for him. And then they kissed and it got to... more. It was the best night Reece ever had. Everything felt beautiful and just... right.

At this moment, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in", he just said, and one second later Blake stood in front of him.

"I heard you and Vicky fighting, are you okay? did she found out about ... us?", he asked with big eyes. Blake didn't really know what him and Reece had. He liked Reece. really, really much. But he didn't know if Reece felt the same.

"I told her", Reece slowly said, appreciating blake in just his joggers. He looked beautiful. "We broke up."

"Oh, i'm sorry for you both. I know yesterday wasn't right and-", Blake started saying, but Reece interrupted him. "Don't be, blake. I- i did it for us."

"W-what do you mean with that?", Blake asked slowly.

"I like you, Blake. Not her. Only you." Reece smiled slightly. "I'm... in love with you." He softly pressed his lips against Blake's. For a moment, the brown-haired boy was shocked, but then he kissed back. And for that moment, everything felt like last night. Perfect.

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