7 | breece

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- fluff
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"You weren't even together, ended what you had like four months ago and you're still not over him?!", George asks, sounding like he couldn't believe what I just said. I know that George doesn't like him. I can't blame him. Reece is an asshole. George knows it and I know it too. But I just ignore it. Because there's this side of him that is beautiful, full of colors and laughs and smiles and that makes me happier than everything else.

"Don't blame for it, okay?! It's not like I asked for not being over him", I say, holding onto the pillow while turning around in George's direction.

"Okay, so you're not over him, but please come with me to the party today", George begs. "Maybe he's not even there. Lily said he's not invited."

I laugh. But it's not a happy laugh. "He's never invited and he's still there every time. A party without him and his friends would be the lamest party of all time." Reece loves parties. He loves it when everyone crawls after him, just to spend one night with him. That's the main reason I don't go to parties anymore. Because if I'd see him, I'd surely end up as one of those people. Reece is just too damn beautiful.

"Come on, Blake. You're boring. You need to get out of your hole. Get yourself someone new. Half the girls out of school are in love with you!"

"Wow, that helps me a lot! It's not like I'm gay!"

"So, maybe you should come out!", George looks at me angrily and I sigh.

"I don't want anyone else. I want him." I don't want any of those girls or guys from school. I don't want to be alone either. I want Reece back. Even if I never really had him. We were officially just friends. But in fact, we were more than friends. We didn't act like friends. We acted like a couple. Except for that one thing.

And Reece was more for me. He wasn't a friend like George was to me. Or Brad and Tristan. He was more. He meant more. But I don't know if I ever did for him.

"Are you coming with me now, Blake? I need you there", George asks, making his puppy eyes at me.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, but only a half-hour. And only the beginning."


Now, I'm unsure if that decision was rather stupid or good. It was absolutely stupid because I ended up between two girls on the couch. I'm kind of popular and also to nice to say no. "Here, Blake", Bailee gives me a beer before sitting down next to the other girl. It's not like I don't like them. They're nice. But they like me. And I don't like them back.

"Thank you", I answer her, not drinking anything. I just want to go home. It's already 11 pm and I'm sure Reece will be here soon. I'm just about to write George he should help me get out here, as I see him entering the room.

I haven't seen Reece in a while, which was probably better. But he's just as beautiful as I saw him the last time. His styled and wavy blonde hair still looks gorgeous and I still love the contours of his jawline. And his lips. His damn lips. Oh, how I want to kiss them again.

He looks around the room as if he searches for the person who's gonna be his special one tonight. I kind of wish it would be me. But at the same time, I don't want it.

"Come on, Blake", I hear George next to me. I can't remember when he came here, but I'm thankful he did. "You promised me you'd come to the pool with me." My best friend grabs my hand and somehow gets us through all the people on the terrace. I wasn't at Bailee's for a long time, but the pool here is still sick. It even has a small waterfall.

"Thank you", I say, as I'm finally outside, wide away from everyone else. Wide away from the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

"Are you fine here or should I stay?", George asks.

"You can leave, I'll be fine", I answer. "I'll go home in some minutes."

"See you on Monday, Blake", George says, before going in again.

I stay at the pool for some minutes, not feeling good with just leaving. It would be mean if I just leave the girls in there waiting for me, but I don't feel like going in again. Reece will just find me there and I don't want to see him again and I also don't want to hear his beautiful voice-

"Haven't seen you in a while, darling." I get goosebumps as I hear his voice. I missed this. Fuck, Blake, don't give in... just leave.

"Don't call me that", I say. "That was before."

Reece smirks. "We can have it again." These words sound so sweet to me. Sweet, lovely, and full of lies. Because before was full of lies. I want Reece back, but not the lies.

"No", I answer, but if I was him, I wouldn't believe myself. But if I was him, I wouldn't have lied like that. I couldn't be Reece. Reece is different than me. Reece uses other people to let himself feel better. Reece lies when it ends better for him. Reece's most important thing in his life is his dog, but that's probably because his family isn't really caring. Reece steals. Reece smokes. But Reece his strong. Because he has been broken and healed. I'm not strong. Maybe that's the reason I'm still crawling after him. "Because before all you did was lie."

"Come on, Blakey Bear", Reece says, using his puppy eyes. What does he want with this? He knows what he did and that it was absolutely shit. I can't and won't go back to him. "Only one night."

"Was that the same thing you're saying to your new girl every night? Was that the same thing you said to those people which who you cheated on me?", I ask, my voice breaking halfway through the sentence. "You're a cheater, Reece. I don't need you and I don't want you anymore."

"Well, then", Reece whispers, coming closer to me. I freeze. What is he doing there? "Why are you crying?" He wipes the tear off my cheek.

I hate him for this. Why does he never say and always tries to use his charm do make it better? "I should have listened to George! That all you do is drink around and cheat, Reece. I loved you, okay? I really did! And I want you back. But all you do is make it worse. Worse by still sleeping around!"

I turn around. I need to go. I need to go home, eat a lot of ice cream, and end up crying in my bed. And then, maybe, I'll be over him.

"Blake", Reece yells after me. "Wait! Please! I didn't mean it like that." I hear Reece going after me. I don't wait. He had his chance and he lost it.

"Blake, please! I know I'm bad at expressing my feelings, but please, listen to me! I never meant to hurt you. It's just... I never felt something like this before."
I stop and slowly turn around to him. We're already out of Bailee's garden and are now standing on the street. Reece looks beautiful, even if there's a tear falling down his cheek.
"I never felt something like this before like I felt for you", he says again. "And it scared me. I got hurt before and I didn't want to be hurt again. And so I decided to leave you before the feeling would get stronger. I know I was selfish, and I'm so sorry that I hurt you. But I hurt myself even more because seeing you hurt was worse than being hurt myself. And the feeling only got stronger."
He swallows. "And what I'm trying to say, Blake... I'm in love with you. And I'm so fucking sorry for everything I did to you."

I smile. It's a small smile, but it's the best I ever felt. "I'm in love with you, too, Reece."

He kisses me, and I'm sure it's the best kiss I ever felt. It feels real. Real and true. And at this moment, all I wish for is that I can feel kisses like this forever.

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