1. Tutor

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Tutor's day started with a loud noise blaring from his alarm clock which he relentlessly turned off and stared at his ceiling for few moments still laying comfortably under his covers. Are you guys thinking he is lazing off?? Well Tutor is not like me to laze off on the bed for hours after turning off the alarm.. He is planning his day ahead in his mind. He is the type of person who wants to plan everything ahead so they can utilise their time the most productive way possible. After organizing the things he has to do today in his head including the meetings in office and appointments out of office he sneaks out of the duvet and makes his bed so the room is as tidy as possible. He places the toast in the toaster and eggs in the pan with low heat while he washes his face. Once he feels fresh he plates his breakfast and sits down at his cozy kitchen counter to finish up his breakfast. The clock in the living room rings loudly with the alarm he set and he stares at the clock which says it's already 7. He clears out the table and rushes to the bathroom for a quick bath and gets into his business suit. He rushes through the hall grabbing his briefcase on the way to his door and takes a final look at his tidy place before closing the door and rushing to the station to catch his 7.30 commute.

He sighs with relief when he notices that he reached the station in 2 minutes and the train is not yet in station. He prefers the 7.30 train not because he has to travel long and far but so that he could avoid the rush hour from 8. As an Omega he is not comfortable with packed commutes because the train reeks of pheromones during rush hours. He is not afraid of going into heat because of pheromones cuz his doctor said that even though he is an Omega and already had his heat in high school his cycles only causes pain and discomfort for him but doesn't release any pheromones which was one of the reason why most of the people in his office do not know that he is an Omega. His body is built proportionately and not smaller like most Omegas which also causes others to assume he is either a Beta or an Alpha. He takes his seat near the 2nd window from the door on the train car as always and opens his planner to put in the schedule he thought in his head. After 20 minutes he stands up and walks out of the train once it reaches the station. His office is 10 minutes away from the station with shops, cafes and restaurants on the busy main road at the center of the city. He usually drops by one of the cafe which is least busy on his way to office to get coffee.

Tutor grabs his coffee to go and leaves the cafe as he has some emails that he wanted to send before the working hours which is usually 9. He sets up his desk and places the coffee in a holder on his desk and starts his system. He look around to see empty chairs on the corner and has a small smile to himself thinking that he is the first to arrive and doesn't have to bother with greeting and have idle chat with anyone. Tutor was the type of person who was not over friendly with anyone and always kept to himself but that doesn't mean he is rude. He always responds when people talk to him and helps his colleagues when ever they ask. He looks back at his screen once it says it's fo of hello with an annoying *beep* and opens his mail box and other applications he had to work on. He quickly gathers the information he has to send by mail and proof reads multiple time before sending it. As he plans to start working on the activities for the day people start coming in and he notices the time was 8.50. He chugs his rest of the coffee which is by now lukewarm and gets out of this chair to dump the waste in the pantry dustbin and to get his favourite cookies.

Tutor's day goes eventfully with him closing almost all of his tasks and he still has 2 hours before he can leave so he relaxes as he still has time to close his pending tasks. He hears whispers going around in the office and glances around to see people clustering and discussing something. As he is wondering if he should involve himself to know what they are discussing or not he hears his manager walks to the center of the room and say that he wants everyone in the conference room in 5 mins for an emergency meeting. He says panic in most of his colleagues faces and thinks to himself that the meeting might be about something big happening which he is not aware of. He settles everything at his desk and gathers his notes and pen to take points in the meeting. By the time he arrives to the meeting room the  limited number of chairs were occupied so he moves closer to the wall to make himself comfortable. Once the room feels full enough with all of his team members his manager starts by moving to the center of the makeshift stage at the front. He says "Guys, I know some of you are busy with your urgent tasks but I have a very important information to share with the team so I had to pull you guys in this meeting without any prior notice. I know there are already few rumours going around on the floor and before you guys come to a conclusion let me share the information in the  official circular..." He takes a short pause and looks around to notice that all the employees have their attention to him and even the ones who usually care less about any meetings. "Our company has not been making much profits in the last 2 quarters and hence they are planning to merge or replace some departments for better productivity..." He looks down with a small sigh and look back up to the team and says "... Sorry to say that our team is getting replaced with services and logistics team..." Small whispers start among the employees with worry in some of their faces. ".. I know this was something unexpected by most of us and am really sorry as the decision is already made by the higher management. We have 2 month of notice period and will get some financial benefits in our final pay. I really wish us all the best in our job search. Sorry again as I couldn't be of much help."

It has to be YOUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon