6. Birthday bash

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Day was waiting in his car fully dressed in White as Tutor nagged him the day before that it was a theme party and he had to be dressed in White. Day lazily sits back in the driving seat and taps away on his phone to let Tutor know that he is waiting for him outside his apartment. Tutor peeks out the balcony from the 3rd floor and calls back to Day. Day looks up at the building and notices a silhouette of Tutor waving his mobile phone on a balcony.

Day picks up the phone "Hey Tor, I just reached. Are you ready to go?"

"Why are you an hour early? I have to get ready still. You wanna come up and wait in my warm house rather than your chilly car?" asks Tutor looking over the balcony

"Hmm... Okay. Why not. Which apartment is yours?"

"It's 504, It's the last one on the fifth floor. I will let the security know to let you in." says Tor and drops off the call and lets the security know about his visitor from Intercom.

Day reaches Tutor's condo building without any issue. He notices that the apartment is not that fancy but it is squeaky clean and that makes it up for the looks. After reaching the white wooden door that has a number plate on it saying '504' he rings the bell and waits after taking a step back. After a moment Tutor opens up the door "Hey Day. Come on in. It's a little messy in here."

"It's fine." and walks behind Tutor as he leads him into the condo. He looks around the hall and the kitchen noticing that it is really clean and orderly. He notes to himself 'I should never show my room to Tutor ever. If he calls this messy then I am sure he will faint if he ever sees my place.'

Tutor stops when they reach the sofa and looks at Day "How come you were so early? I was sure I gave you the right time yesterday."

Day stopped in his steps when Tutor did "I was supposed to hang out with my friend but she ditched me at the last minute."

"You got stood up by your date?" Tutor wiggled his eyebrows

"Not date, friend." says Day while looking at Tutor as Tutor looks at him sceptically.

"Okay. It was a blind date." sighs Day "I should really stop accepting blind dates from Soda. She always finds ways to make fun of me." says Day shaking his head "I was too bored to be alone so thought I could hang out with you."

"You were lonely huh, Day." Tutor pouts his lips with his eyes smiling as if teasing the big Alpha in front of him.

"Shut up Tor. Go get ready and we can leave early and be back early." Day says trying to leave his crappy date conversation.

Tutor snickers and nods a little "Give me 20 mins to get ready. You can watch TV while you wait." while gesturing to the remote laying on the table before Day.

"Sure. Hurry up." Day nods, takes the remote and puts on sports making himself comfortable on the couch.

After a 30 minutes drive from Tutor's place they reach the popular restaurant in the town. Tutor gets out and looks at the tall building with wide doors and long windows showing off the dim and grand decor inside the building while Day hands over the car keys to chauffeur for valet parking. They get in and are received by a well dressed steward asking if they had made a reservation. Tutor hands in a card with Hwa's birthday invitation on it with a smile. The steward smiles back after recognizing the card "The party is in the penthouse. Please take the elevator from there." and points towards the right side to the elevators. They thank the guy, move past him towards the elevator and while waiting for the elevator to reach the penthouse Day looks at Tutor "Tor, I didn't get anything as a present. It's fine right?"

Tor looks at him with a scrunched look "Isn't it too late to say that?" and smiles "It's fine. Hwa is not so fond of presents, I am sure she won't mind." to which Day nods

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