Blade 1: He Who Wanders...

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Jack Ronin was a kid that studied in Tokyo, practicing Kendo with some competitions, being a competitive marksman with a gun, and enjoying life with his family...

Jack was named Jack Ronin, first was "Jack" signifying a "Jack Of All Trades" meaning that he can do anything if he sets his mind to it and his last name "Ronin" in memory of his Great Grandfather who lived through the wars and helped everybody earning the name Ronin despite saving people on the crossfire in enemy territory...

The boy was a very kind-hearted kid who's most evil deed would probably just steal gum, as it was nothing serious as he later learns about money from his parents.

He had clear sky-Blue eyes, Brown hair, some Black and Blue Headphones, wears a Dark Blue hoodie, and he wears a necklace with three pendants: one was a rectangle with an engraving of Honor "律儀" which can mean fairness and sincerity (A/N: I just Google Translated Honor, so if anyone has a more authentic and accurate translation please DM me or post in the comments), the second one had a silver figure with a sword, and the last one was another pendant with an engraving of "Ronin" "浪人"

He had clear sky-Blue eyes, Brown hair, some Black and Blue Headphones, wears a Dark Blue hoodie, and he wears a necklace with three pendants: one was a rectangle with an engraving of Honor "律儀" which can mean fairness and sincerity (A/N: I just G...

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A/N: The silver one is the pendant...

Jack lived with his parents and his younger sister who was much more innocent than himself, causing him to be a bit protective sometimes, but the two are very close

He was walking through the street exploring the vast city with multiple stores as he came home from his part-time job, he was walking on a very empty bridged and saw a Golden Brown watch?

Jack: "What's this?"

Jack the shouted asking anyone nearby in his surroundings...

Jack: "HELLO? Did anyone lose a watch?"

There was no reply...

Jack then touched it and inspected it

He saw that it wasn't an ordinary watch seeing a symbol of a sword pointing downwards on the left and a gun pointing upwards on the right forming an X from the weapons, in the center was the Kanji of "Ronin", which shocked jack because it resembled closely with his necklace and the bottom had a year which was "2020"

A/N: If anyone could make the symbol with this description and making it similar to my imaginations, please DM me and I will give you my E-Mail to send the symbol!

Jack then notices that the body was thicker than a regular watch, with a Golden Brown body and a Black and Gold trim, with an arrow pointing downwards revealing that it can rotate with a button on top...

Jack then notices that the body was thicker than a regular watch, with a Golden Brown body and a Black and Gold trim, with an arrow pointing downwards revealing that it can rotate with a button on top

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A/N: It's very similar to the Zi-O Ohma RideWatch

He then brought it home and went to his room, sat on his bed thinking of putting it in the Police Station just in case of someone who lost this...

Jack then rotates the Watch's trim or frame, revealing some type of visor on the face as it shows the Kanji of "Ronin" as the visor is formed from some type of Cowboy hat with a golden color scheme...

A/N: "The visor is similar to the StarNinger helmet and a Snipe MouthPlate if anyone can make this please DM me and I will send you my E-Mail"

Jack then pushes the button with curiosity and triggering a sound!

???: RO-NIN!

As the sound rings, he saw himself standing on top of a mountain top spectating!

And he pressed it again...


As the announcement continues Jack sees that he is in mountaintop once again seeing masked people in a war with explosions and lasers going everywhere with multiple bodies on the floor...many with tears as they lay on the ground lifeless...

Jack screamed and fell on the floor!

He was startled and fell down on the floor thinking: 'What the hell did I saw!?'

Jack's Mom: "Jack, Dear! Is everything okay?"

Jack: "Yeah, everything was okay Mom!"

Jack's Mom: "Was?"

Jack: "Nothing! Everything's alright!"

He goes and takes a shower while thinking about what he saw...

As he ponders, he finishes his shower and changes his clothes and went to sleep...

But little did he know that the watch was glowing slowly morphing everything surrounding it in the room...

Chapter Ends...

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