Blade 3: The Battle At Dusk

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Ronin woke up the other day and held the watch in his hand inspecting the device closely...

He took a shower and changed his clothes ready for today's activity!

Marcus: "Come on, Jack!"

Marcus: "We're gonna be late!"

He walked alongside Marcus once against to school, rushing to the location because they were almost late coming to class again...

Marcus: "That was a close one..."

Jack: "You're telling me..."

The two finished class and went home...

Marcus's house was the nearest and the two stopped there and Jack went home by himself...

Jack remembered the words of the voice in his head...

???: "The enemy will strike at during Dusk where nobody is around and when everyone is fast asleep"

Jack then looks at his surroundings seeing that he's alone and nobody is around...

All of the houses have their lights turned off and the sun began to descend into the nightly abyss of space...

Jack Thoughts: 'SHIT! This is what the voice was talking about!?'

Jack Thoughts: 'I wish I had a weapon to defend myself...'

Then the Jikan GunSword flew from the sky and stabbed itself into the ground in front of Jack

Jack: "How the hell did this fly in here!?"

Then Jack saw that there were three people who peeked out and walked towards Jack...

Jack: "So who the hell are you three?"

Multi-Eyed Samurai: "We are assassins sent to kill you..."

Chameleon furry: "I thought we shouldn't say that in front of the target?!"

Multi-Eyed Samurai: "It is honorable this way!"

Abomination Furry: "Shut Up, You Two!"

The abomination quickly charged at Jack who held his Jikan GunSword in hand!

The abomination swung his Gorilla arm in which Jack instinctively went into a Kendo Position and using the sharp blade from his weapon, he cuts the arm off in a blink of an eye!

Jack: "Could you please tell me why you guys want to kill me?"

Multi-eyed Samurai: "We are sent by our employer to kill the successor to the title of Ronin!"

Jack: "That's just my last name!"

Then the abomination swung the tentacles on his back, in which Jack slices it into small pieces of calamari...

Jack: "I have enough of this!"

Jack then cuts off the head of the monster which causes the body to fade into dust...

Jack: "The hell!?"

Chameleon Furry: "So he defeated the brute..."

Jack: "So can I ask?"

Multi-Eyed Samurai: "What?"

Jack: "Did the two of you get pissed off and was kicked out of a furry convention?"

Chameleon: "THAT'S IT!"

Jack: "SHIT!"

The Chameleon charged at Jack who held his weapon in front of him!

The remaining furry used his claws to attack, but his attacks were parried and deflected by Jack!

But some scratches and claw marks were seen as Jack had to use a giant broadsword!

Jack Thoughts: 'I wish that this weapon can be more versatile!'

As Jack deflected some of the assassin's attacks, Jack accidentally pressed on a button that triggered an announcement!

Jikan GunSword: DUAL MODE!

The blade that Jack held splits into two swords!

Jack: "Well that's convenient!"

Jack clashed with the furry resulting in a stalemate but Jack pressed a trigger on the top of the handle that transformed one of the blades into a gun!

Then Jack shoots the Furry with no mercy...

Multi-eyed Samurai: "It seems that we have underestimated you!"

Multi-eyed Samurai: "Now fight me! The successor of Ronin!"


A/N: Next time: "The first blade ever drawn upon the sunset..."

Chapter Ends...

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