Blade 8: Cover's Blown...

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Jack Ronin walked home from school and had a mental conversation with the Mysterious voice that guided him but he soon witnessed an explosion near the area and ran to the location of the explosion seeing The Flash, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman faced with Mr. Freeze, Captain Cold, and Killer Frost...

He thought they could resolve this quickly only to notice that there were a lot of hostages that prevented the Justice League Members from doing any actions against the three villains...

Jack stood in his place nervously as he realized that both factions haven't noticed him yet, but he saw that Killer Frost was going to threaten an innocent woman with her baby!

Jack weighed his options first before taking any actions but arrived to the conclusion that he should intervene!

Before Killer Frost attack the Innocent woman he dashed at her with his Jikan GunSword in hand!

Killer Frost: "Huh?!"

She said spotting Jack charging at her with his weapon!

Killer Frost then charged her powers and shot Jack with a beam of frost, but the teen managed to block it with his weapon before landing a blunt hit to her side knocking her way from the civilians!

Flash: "What is the kid doing!?"

Superman: "Whatever he's doing it is getting them away from the hostages..."

Batman: "It's a distraction..."

Wonder Woman: "Then let's charge in!"

She said as the four Leaguers entered the bank cautiously!

Captain Cold: "Really, Frost? You were beat up by a kid?"

Killer Frost: "A kid with a giant sword!"

Mr. Freeze: "Let's just freeze the pest!"

The scientist commanded with his slightly robotic voice...

Mr. Freeze then aimed his Freeze Ray at Jack in which the teen dodged as Jack managed to land a slash at the villain's chest!

Captain Cold: "The kid got skills! Got to respect that..."

The Captain of Low temperatures then lined up a shot and froze the floor in which Jack stabbed his weapon into the floor to avoid losing footing...

Killer Frost: "He's already another annoying brat!"

She said pointing her arms at Jack, but as she fired a shot Jack jumped into the air letting her shot hit Mr. Freeze who was now frozen in place momentarily!

Jack: "I'm surprised that none of you have made any Ice-Puns considering the powers and aesthetics..."

Jack wanted to fight back but he heard the Woman's baby crying taking the attention of everyone in the bank!

Killer Frost tried to shoot an Ice beam at the infant but her hand was kicked upwards by Jack who swiftly kicked her in the face making the villain stagger back!

As the three villains slowly backed away as the four Justice Leaguers made a loud entrance and confronted the three ice-themed villains!

Captain Cold: "Crap! The League is here and we have no leverage!"

Mr. Freeze: "We have leverage! but we need to take out the insolent child!"

Killer Frost nodded at the scientist's statement and made her way to Jack who stood protectively in front of the other hostages...

Killer Frost: "You're gonna be another frozen popsicle!"

Jack: "I don't think so!"

He said taking out his Ziku Driver!

Kamen Rider Ronin-He who wanders...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin