Blade 6: Rider VS Android

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Kamen Rider stood there as both Ivo and Amazo stared at him with shocked expressions along with Superboy, Kid Flash, and Robin...

They all froze in place as Ronin's robe flowed with the blowing wind...

Ivo: "Another Sidekick..?"

Robin: "Sorry to break it to you, we don't know him either..."

Ivo: "No matter! Amazo crush him!"

Amazo: "Command Understood!"

Amazo: "Termination Commence!"

Ronin: "Bring it on! Buckethead!"

Amazo: "Access: Flash"

It said with its Robotic voice...

The android then vibrated before dashing at Ronin!

Ronin endured those hits before performing a backflip and unsheathing his sword slashing at the android's chest!

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Ronin endured those hits before performing a backflip and unsheathing his sword slashing at the android's chest!

The android momentarily staggered back before recovering quickly and glared at the Rider...

Ronin: "Damn..."

He said as he saw Amazo running again!

Ronin: "I need more speed..."

As Ronin said that he saw a small watch glowing in his hand...

Ronin: "Huh...?"

The watch finished forming...

Ronin: "Ask and you shall receive, I guess..."

He then rotated the frame forming a face and pressing the button on top...

Ridewatch: KABUTO!

Ronin then saw the arrow and inserted it into the left side of his belt!

He then pressed the button on top of the driver and spun it!

Ziku Driver: ARMOR TIME!

It announced as a set of armor appeared before the Rider as it flew and attached itself to his suit!

The legs were covered in a Silver mechanical plating along with the thighs...

The arms were covered with Red and Silver plating...

The shoulders resemble the horns of a Rhinoceros beetle...

His faceplate was attached with a plain visor before a horn slowly attached itself to the middle of the mask along with the Japanese kanji of "Kabuto"

His faceplate was attached with a plain visor before a horn slowly attached itself to the middle of the mask along with the Japanese kanji of "Kabuto"

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