Blade 5: Dimension Shift to "Justice"...

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As the battle finished and the Evening slowly came, Jack wanted to go home but heard a loud explosion where his school is!

He went there to investigate ignoring the school's sign as he looked inside the school seeing that everything was different...

Jack: "Huh...?"

Jack: "When did my school look so fancy...?"

Jack: "This is weird if this was an overnight surprise renovation..."

Jack walked further inside the school spotting a weird locker with his name on it...

Jack: "Wait a minute, wasn't my locker supposed to be near the entrance, how was it moved here..."

???: "This is the many Dimensional shifts that will happen..."

Jack: "Dimensional Shifts? Care to explain that, 'Weird Voice In My Head'?"

???: "You will ally yourself with each world's heroes and solve a big threat that only you can resolve..."

???: "The more allies you have, the bond of trust that you will have can fuel your abilities and unlock the dormant powers that you have..."

Jack: "So I will basically use my friends that I will make  to boost my powers...?"

???: "Yup! That's basically the gist of it..."

Jack: "I'm not gonna have a weird card and chain hallucinations, will I?"

???: "What? No! The powers will immediately show itself when you befriend someone akin to the Ridewatches that you have..."

Jack: "Is that the name of the weirdly colorful thick watches that I have...?"

???: "Yes, yes it is..."

???: "The resolve of your friends will empower you with the power of the original Riders before you..."

???: "It's basically a Power boost that you said, but it is enhanced: 'With The Power Of Friendship' whole type of deal..."

As this conversation happened a loud crash was heard from nearby!

Jack: "Oh lord! Please don't let it be aliens!"

???: "You just fought against a Furry Ninja, a weirdo with an animal fetish, and a multi-eyed samurai, and you're worried about aliens...?"

Jack: ""

???: "I'm just as surprised and disappointed in you..." 

Jack: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?"

???: "You tell me, what that is supposed to mean!"

???: "You just fought those three with no problem and you're worried about aliens!?"

Jack: "I guess...?"

Jack: "But if aliens do come, I really hope that they're not evil..."

Jack: "Or probe my brain..."

???: "You do realize if aliens do exist, that comment will pretty much offend them since they are also intelligent life and you're basing them off the absurd stereotypes on TV?"

Jack: "Okay, when you put it that way, you just made me sound like a Racist douche..."

???: "Then get you're facts straight!" 

Jack: "Alright, calm down!"

???: "Fine..."

???: "You do realize that we still need to stop whatever the heck is happening in the Gymnasium, right...?"

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