Baby Blues

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Cold. The boy felt so... cold... but there was clearly an attempt to warm him. His hair had been mostly dried from a hairdryer and then rapped in a towel, and there was a heated blanket covering his body and a heat pack over his eyes. He felt to weak to move it so he could see his surroundings, but he didn't feel the need, he was safe in his room, though he couldn't remember what happened. He heard the sound of a man, likely his grandpa, shifting at his bedside in a chair, as if realizing he'd woken up. He shakily held up his hand, he tried to speak, but he only coughed up a fowl tasting liquid. A hand gently took his, and held it. Ben, the boy, felt safe, secure, and almost happy, and then it dawned on him. These fingers were far to long to belong to his grandfather.

His hand lingered for a moment as he processed the situation. A stranger was holding his hand, he was with a stranger. The adrenaline rush gave him the temporary strength to pull back, and he harshly gasped and coughed up more liquid as his aching body felt a coursing pain, as if his whole body had moved until it could move no more, and every pulsing beat of his heart was a reminder of how sore he was. The hot pack had fallen off his face, the light of the room hurt his eyes so badly he screwed them shut and whimpered as he lay helplessly on his side.

"I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry-" the man spoke, his voice was as deep as a canyon, as smooth as a still river, and his voice, it would be booming if it weren't but a muffled whisper. He was a mountain of a man, not only did his shadow cast upon the closed eyelids alert Ben to this, but if the peaks could ever speak, they would sound like him. Like the very voice of the deep and ancient earth itself, but muffled by the layer of thick snow. He had gotten up, hastily dimmed the lights, and walked over to the side of the bed that Ben was facing. Ben fearfully opened his stinging eyes to look at the man. The idea of a stranger was scary enough, but the man was no man, he was a monster, a legend told to keep kids out of the woods, and there was no compassion in his eyes, for he had none. Ben's vision might've been blurry, but you can't exactly miss an entire fucking face being gone. Ben wanted to scream, but he was to horrified to even exhale.
"Oh, oh please don't be frightened little one, I don't want to hurt you, I truly don't. You have to be careful when you move like that- your body is sore and your arm needs to heal." The man(?) said ever so gently. Ben hadn't even noticed until now, but his left arm was bandaged. He didn't have an explanation for that- or why his body was sore or where he was or what the hell was watching him right now. He tensed up when the creature rested one hand on him, and tucked the other under him. Though, being turned to lay on his back again wasn't one of the horrors he'd expected, neither was being propped up.

"I'll be right back." The monster promised so sincerely and tenderly before leaving the room. Ben still wasn't sure if he considered that a good thing. He tried to relax himself, just a little. Perhaps it smelled fear, or even worse, something else here could.

As if on cue, something shuffled under his bed, and he tensed again. Oh dear. Oh no. This is how he dies isn't it? This is the creature that will take his life. It ends here and now. He closed his eyes and braces himself for certain dea-

"Hey. Can't help but notice- does that hurt? Not the like- bandages on your arm I mean like- your eyes- and the tears- does that hurt?"

He was young. Much older than Ben, but still in his teens. Ben opened his eyes and- well he looked like a normal kid, save for the gash in his face. Ben tilted his slightly. His eyes did hurt but- why would crying be painful. The boy seemed to notice right away that Ben was confused. He reached for a tissue box and handed a tissue to Ben. Ben took it reluctantly and looked at the boy as he wiped his eyes and shakily looked at the tissues. Then, the less that noteworthy dried tears on his face being brought up made much more sense, and he started producing fresh ones. There was only blood on the tissues. He was crying blood.
"Hey- I'm sorry I- well I assume that means no I- I'm sure it's fine! Y'know, might just be a byproduct of being undead hah- it's probably nothing." He mumbled and twitched a bit as he grabbed Ben another tissue. At first, he assumed the horror in Ben's face was from the loud cracking sound his neck made, but it didn't take long for him to realize Ben didn't even know he had died.
"Oh- oh well y'know things happen- even horrific things like drowning- y'know I uh- well I-" The boy continued, Ben at some point couldn't really focus on him anymore. Bits and pieces of what happened started to come back to him, and he wasn't exactly happy about it. His- he put his hand to his throat- his mother had drowned him. No- he couldn't think of her as a mother. She was a vile person, to vile to be family. She took him. She took him when he vulnerable. He couldn't go home now, could he? Crying blood and- having died and all that. He couldn't go home to his grandpa. He was lost in thought when he noticed the boy had sat down in the chair next to his bed and sighed.

"Did you know them?"

Ben looked at him. A few red tears rolled down his face, and he eventually nodded.

"Family? Family friend?"

Ben mouthed the words "false" and "mother". He smiled so weakly, so morbidly, as if he understood that pain. He nodded.

"Heh... that's fucking awful, kid..." He sighed and looked down at his feet. He jerked a bit and spoke once more.

"I'm Toby, by the way."


"Toby-" the thing had entered the room again. Ben's left arm quickly latched onto Toby's shoulder. It- didn't hurt as much as he expected, to be quite frank his arm actually felt quite numb at the moment.

"Heya dad. What'd you get?"

"Painkillers I- you're going to scare him."

"No offense Slender but y'know, I'm a tad less frighting in the looks department. Just a smidge."

"Well- I mean I would've taken on a less frightening appearance but he woke up so soon I- y'know years of doing this and I still don't have it as a reflex."

"You'll get there. Oh h-HEY A GRANOLA BAR-"

"You already had breakfast, this is for the boy."

Ben tensed when he was mentioned, he didn't quite like that at all.

"Oh yeah hah- he says his name is Ben! His uh- his mom was the perpetrator wouldn't ya know? Another kid with a fucked family life. What're the odds."

"I'd say pretty high."

"HAH- yeah you got that right. Hey Ben? See him? H-he's like the dad around here! We've got like- a family emblem and-"

"He's probably a bit to overwhelmed for more info about the giant cryptid man and his adopted son."

Toby looked at Ben for a moment. He focused on the quickened pace of his little heart, the gentle shaking of the hand on his shoulder, before a quick convulsion. He nodded.

"Suppose so..."

"Oh- oh I just remembered what I'd forgotten- child tell me, are you allergic to anything?"

Ben looked at... the man... Slender, and then at Toby. He eventually shook his head.

"Oh thank goodness... I don't know what effects reviving someone has on their allergies."

Ben wanted to ask why that would be the case and what exactly Slender meant, but he eventually decided he definitely didn't want to know. The man set a cup of water and a bottle of pain killers on the nightstand with long black tendrils, and he slowly stepped towards Ben and kneeled down to hand him the granola bar. Ben took it but- he tried to sneakily examine the wrapper it was in.
"You aren't going to see much that way, you're allowed to inspect it, I take no offense." He responded calmly. With that Ben immediately looked everywhere he possibly could before opening it. Then he just kinda stared. It looked nice, and it smelled nice- but-

"Would you uh- be more comfortable if me and him ate a piece?" Toby offered. Ben took and minute to nod and Toby spilt two small pieces for himself and Slender. Toby ate his piece, meanwhile Slender looked at the one he'd taken. He was contemplating this. Shifting took a lot of energy but the child would likely be horrified to see his true mouth. So he formed a less horrifying one and ate it before the mouth vanished. Ben's eyes, unbeknownst to Ben, turned from a deep black and bright red to normal blue ones. He felt, calmer. He quietly took a bite as the two stared in amazement. Oh! Baby blues.

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