Not a Dickie Bird (3/5)

19 2 0

She hadn't gotten him much, two t-shirts, two sweatpants, y'know, the whole kit, socks and all, but only two days worth. Oh- and a t-shirt for herself of course. She's a tourist, she's legally allowed and basically required. She stepped upstairs and unlocked the door, throwing the tourist merch for his own country inside and closed it again. She could've sworn she heard a feeble "Thank ya-" as she walked downstairs.

She sat down on the couch and played some Magikarp Jump because shut up it's fucking fun. It's so wholesome and full of love, determination, and acceptance. It's about doing your best and knowing when you've reached your limits. It has heart, charm, and a cute art style. Not to mention the simple but likable cast (hah) of characters.

She heard him step downstairs and she looked up. She could tell the shirt he was wearing by the color. I Heart London. What a patriotic fellow. He slumped onto the couch next to her and she looked at him- and squinted a bit. His eyes were so reddish and puffy-
"W-were you crying?"

"N-nAW- men don' cry, no' a tear."

"Bro what the fuck happened just spit it out."

He looked at her with the most aggressive and serious face he could fucking muster.
"Little Women happened." He whispered with a hiss. Now- it took her a solid five minutes to understand and process that, and then she held back a wheeze. He glared and looked away from her.

"Aw c'mon dude it's fine, everyone's got feelings... will a Kinder Egg make you feel better?"


"It's a chocolate egg thing with little collectible figures. It's neato- but they're banned in my country."

"Ch-chocola'e? Isn' tha' like- a drink or somefin'?"

Isaac had never in his life seen someone look so horrified or saddened- not even his own fucking victims. She looked like she witnessed what goes on in the 7th level of Hell and was to afraid to describe what exactly she'd seen. After inhaling because for a moment there she forgot how to breath, she quietly handed him an egg shaped treat.

"Eat it." It was a whisper, a plea, and a demand all in one. He shakily took the egg™️, unwrapped it, and pulled it apart before biting one side. He was thankfully close enough for her to see his eyes light up. He quickly ate all the chocolate he'd been given. He hadn't had sweets in so long it was so unreal- she laughed softly and watched him struggle to open the capsule thing. He got a tiny little frog figure and put it in the sweatpants pocket. Say nothing, it's his now. His new son, Ebenezer. Perfection.

"Oh- did you want real food or more water?"

"Eh? Oh um- no I'm gud, thanks." She saw him actually smile. Fuck oh no he's got a pure smile- bad man with a pure smile- not a good combo at all-

"Oh uh- by the way- I call the be'." He declared.

"Excuse me- how is that fa-"

"I woke up in coffin."

"Okay that's a good point, you can have it for tonight."

"Thank ya."

She sighed, slide against the couch for a split second, and then got up.
"I'm taking a shower, and then I planed to walk around more, just take in the scenery. I'll be back down soon." She informed him before walking upstairs. He watched her leave the room and regret not taking the book downstairs with him so he could read more. He glanced at her back and grabbed her phone. He held the button on the side like he had last time he gripped it, and watched it come to life, asking what it could help him with. He paused and thought.

"What was invented in the 1800s?" He asked gently, getting excited to see results before realizing he needed some sort of code to read them and sighed in defeat, putting the phone down. He looked at the odd little lever-like shapes on the wall and stood up, walking towards them and flipping one up curiously. He watched the room light up. How brilliant- not referring to the light but the concept- a candle that didn't smoke and could light itself- he looked up at the source- a roundish shape surrounded by a few flat rectangles. Two little ropes of beads dangled from it, so he approached it. Reaching up to pull one- causing the light to turn off- and the other, which caused the rectangles to spin and produce a cool breeze. Absolutely fascinating- the house appeared small but provided such wonders, so he could only assume most could afford them at this point in time. My God- he must've slept through so many breakthroughs.

He looked down at the floor- remembering the small amount of dirt track he left behind. He grabbed a rag and dampened it to clean up some of the shoe prints. It was the least he could do. The very least. Eh- whatever! Not killing her is a good repayment. I mean he needs her to figure out what the fuck the world is like and how to get- wherever he's going- in efficient time but whatever, he'll pretend he doesn't for his own ego. After he finished cleaning the shoe prints, he used the rag to wipe some of the dirt off his shoes. She came downstairs right about then, she had the shirt she bought for herself on, so they were officially wearing matching shirts. She smiled at him gently and he set the rag down.
"Ready to go?" She asked. He hesitated, he wasn't sure he was ready for the world out there, he could barely even handle it back in his day. But- well-
"Yeah- 're you?" was all he could and wanted to say. She unlocked the door and put her sunglasses back on.
"Ready as I'll ever be, Mr. Grossman."

Creepypasta but it's Not Really Creepy just SadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant