Sunny Day

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(A/N: This will be a potentially 3 part series where I rewrite Nina and Jana's stories, making it one unnecessary drawn out and poorly written story. Sorry. You could honestly skip it and be fine.)


Reports. Eye-whiteness accounts. Amateur documentaries. They captivated her and her twin sister, even a year after the initial event. Most people obsess over killers because of their looks, and latch onto their good personality traits only. The boy they were obsessed with? His face was horribly burned- an anomaly beyond belief according to most, was that his skin actually managed to turn white, he wasn't even on fire for that long, but he'd been singed in a way that no one could properly explain.

They adored him. Many girls felt attracted to him- for one thing or another, but they all seemed to love the slit-mouthed, eyelid-less, burn victim's face. He was unique and strange- like nothing they'd ever seen before.
He was protective of his brother, and perhaps they fantasized about being protected by him too, or at least, these two did.

"Do you think he likes popsicles too? Like- the lemon lime ones? I bet he does."

"And the punch flavors! Those are my favorite."

"Everything is your favorite, Nina."

"Oh hush up- at least I'm not picky! Don't we have like- the same taste buds? Do you just like to make things harder for yourself?"

"That's not how it works-"

"Uuhhh-hhuh. You keep telling yourself that."

Nina yawned and rolled over in her bed. Jana quickly took the laptop from her as she did. They kinda had an unspoken agreement, Nina would do dumb shit, and Jana would prevent the collateral damage that would've ensued, and occasionally vise versa.

Her sister mumbled a thanks, and she smiled. They had each other's backs. In both supporting weird hobbies and keeping each other together.

"Don't go to sleep yet, it's not even 10-"

"Hehe- go to sleep..."

"HRK- aw c'mon! Please? I can't sleep like- eeevvveeerrrr... don't leave me alone."

"I know- you keep me up too. Like you're doing right now. We could get up extra early to watch more- just lemme sleep now."

"Oh- fine. Fine. You win." Jana sighed and shut off the laptop, setting it under Nina's bed and stretching.

They exchanged goodnights and Jana tiredly made her way to her bed. I never said she didn't get tired, she was exhausted often, but sleeping for her was hard, especially after a certain point, though she couldn't exactly say when that was. So she just scrolled through her phone- playing apps until she couldn't because so many have a waiting period for "energy" or "playing points" or "items"- y'know what I'm getting at. On the bright side, in a way it was like a timer. Letting her know she NEEDED to sleep, at least eventually. So she tried her best, and eventually did.

Of course, Nina woke up early like she promised, but seeing her sister asleep with her phone in her hand, she kinda figured Jana would probably need the extra sleep. After all- it WAS a school day. They were just rebels who stayed up until 9:40 PM. Such scoundrels. She sighed softly and took Jana's phone out of her hand and placed it on the desk beside her. She left their room to go check on their little brother, Chris, making sure to be quiet as possible to avoid waking anyone up.

She crept into his room and exhaled in relief that he was asleep and safe. He was gently snuggling a frog plushie, partially obscuring his face. Her heart was filled with that kind of undying love a mother should have for their child. In a way, she was like a mother to him, more so than their own mother. In fact, she was an early bird BECAUSE she was the one who made breakfast. Their mother she- grew bitter after their father died. It was almost impossible for Nina to believe the same woman who read her and Jana bedtime stories could be the woman she is now. She knew people could change but- usually the fantasy is the other way around... and a fantasy...

Creepypasta but it's Not Really Creepy just SadWhere stories live. Discover now