Raven Chick

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"Remember when we'd si' the rain together? 'Ow sometimes that old crone would get mad- not 'cause ya would catch a potatoes in the mould, bu' 'cause she thought you'd ruin yer clothes... 'ow I was so confused by that- remember? Ya 'ad ter like- explain ta me the concept of washin' clothes the first nickle and dime we went out in the rain. No' that it 'elped much- considerin' for awhile I went on ta adam 'n eve clotheslines were not ter dry clothes, but ter clean them wif the weather. Ya let me adam 'n eve it too- ya twit. Me one spare pair o' clothes and ya let me 'ang it up in a storm. Tha' was 'ilarious though, I'll give ya tha'. I laugh a hoppin' pot thinkin' abaht it..." He sighed after a bit of rambling and looked at what was left of his father. He stared and was stared back at. He felt both a sadness and a comfort, unlucky to have so little, but lucky to have anything at all.

"I-I wish ya could respond... I miss when we'd talk. I guess tha's the downside of the game, isn't it? I-I thought for so long tha' it was a nah winner or loser scenario... then I considered ya the loser... I realize naw, I was the one who lost. We 'ad fun though, wite? At least- ya looked kinda 'appy." He smiled a bit, remembering fondly the time he spent learning the rules of the game his father had once played.

"The uh- the people 're playin' the advanced version of tha' game naw. Y'kna the one called uh- war! Yeah. I don't kna 'ow I forgot tha'- they talk abaht it aw the nickle and dime. I 'eard America was quieter, so I was thinkin' abaht leavin'. Prolly should tell Jill that. Prolly." He chuckled softly, and then noticed the sun creeping above the horizon, filling the land and sky with light.

"Oh tha's our cue." He mumbled quickly and picked up his father- or rather the mask his father once wore, and sank into the shadows of the streets.

Creepypasta but it's Not Really Creepy just SadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora