Two Bros Sitting in a Bunker

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"I's- i's kinda funny, ain' it?"

"Hm? What?"

"Y'know... finkin' no' even- 21 years af'er the Grea' War- one ta en' all others- an' 'ere we are again. Sittin' in a Derry an' Tom shel'er together."

"I-I wouldn't consider it humorous but- it is rather odd. Suppose the last one wasn't good enough."

"Hah- yeah. I though' ya'd say summat like tha'..."

Slender almost responded with an apology, almost, but Jack didn't like when he apologized- said he did it to much. So he didn't, not this time, at least.

"Ya cold?" Jack asked after a bit of silence.

"You- you get cold?"

"Yeah heh- ya'd fink a omi full stuffin' wouldn' feel cold- bu' I do ge' shivers. I jus' prefer no' complain much abou' it."

"Huh... what else have I yet to know about you, despite the years."

"Mmm... my Isle of Wight eye starts hurting like all ding dong bell in Spring an' Summer. Fink maybe i's allergies."

"Really now?"

"Yeah! Wot abou' you?"

"Uuhh... not all of my body can regenerate! In fact- only my tendrils can. I am missing an entire toe on my left foot."

"Thee wot now-"

"Yeah! If you think stubbing a toe against a table is bad you'd better hope to your preferred god you don't ram it into a sharp rock. The damned thing was ripped clean off-"

"Well now ya 'ave show me."

"I'm- not showing you my mutilated foot."

"Ah c'mooonnnnn..."

Slender sighed over dramatically and took off his slipper with a tendril before leaning back against to sofa he was on. Jack, who was in a fucking lawn chair across the room squinted.

"Tha's bloody wicked, China Plate-"

"Er- thanks-" He chuckled softly and put the slipper back on. It was silent again for awhile, until another abrupt topic change.

"Ya fink the worl' is gonna en' itself?"

"Dear lord I hope not- I'd like to think they'd have enough common sense not to-"

"Mm... ya pu' to much faith in folks."

"I know."

"Say- ya never answered me question."


"Are ya col'?"

"Oh- yes."

"Ah. Maybe if I si' closer ta ya, we can share body hea'."

Slender looked down to his side quickly. Say no say no say no-

"Yeah sure."

Okay great he's coming over here. Act casual. Jack sat down and yawned, blinking sleepily.

"I... I fink I envy ya."

"Why in the world would you ever envy me?"

"Cause ya 'ave tha'- natural nee' ta be gud an' trus' folks... yer smar' too. Couple ah years ago an' I'd probably fink this war wus jus'- a real big game er sum Barry White."

"I'm sure you'd eventually have figured it out on your own."

"Ya fink to highly of me, Slen."

"Well that's because I like you, Jack."

There was a bit of an awkward silence, stretching out way longer than either had intended. Jack scooted closer to him and looked at him until Slender looked back. He stared at that man in his nonexistent eyes with a lax but all to intense look.

"Can I hug ya?"

Fuck how do you respond to that- you can't leave him WAITING but like he already has a little because fuck this is scary and-

"Say yes ya nine-toed Ancient Greek."

"Yes, absolutely."

One corner of Jack's mouth curled into a smile as he wrapped his arms around Slender and nestled against him.

"Fink the war will en' quicker this time?"

"Likely not. If they were angry enough to start a second, I reckon they're gonna fight to keep it." Slender sighed, wrapping a tendril around his smaller friend.

"Well... a' leas' yer honest wit' me."

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