You Are Family (OC Exclusive)

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He couldn't really comprehend it. Not at first. The idea that he was never safe, even when for the first time, he felt like it. Adopted into a loving family- odd that his crush's mother adopted him but it wasn't like being in a supportive household was a bad thing, not by any means. He wasn't alone anymore- and he still wasn't- there was just a few uninvited guests in his life. What drives someone to attempt murder over money? Something only as valuable as people want it to be. Something that can be taken without any physical harm needing to be done. He'd stolen money in the past, and he never laid a finger on anyone. Yet here he was, in a hospital with a man he loved, looking over that man's mother. She would survive, yes, but she wasn't exactly in pristine condition. He quietly licked the wound on his hand out of habit. The nurses weren't around to stop him, which he was thankful for. The taste was soothing, a recurrence in his life that wasn't so bad. At least- it was a recurrence before he was finally taken away from his parents.

"How're you holding up, bud?" His beloved friend spoke up.

"I'm- I'm okay... physically. You?"

"Well I guess I could say I feel... guilty?"

"Why in the fuck would you ever feel guilty for this?"

"Well- for starters, I wasn't there-"

"Not your fault."

"and I thought maybe- I thought you'd be safer with us. I thought you'd be safe from harm and- well- you both got hurt, and here I am, perfectly fine. Feels like a sick game."

"Y'know I-I've had worse." He chuckled and watched his friend shuffle uncomfortably. Hid friend wanted to laugh, not because it was  funny, but because he knew it would make Donovan, the guy who just made him uncomfortable, only wanted to lighten the mood. Donovan loved to make him laugh- like it was his life goal, and now- after a false sense of security he'd given to Donny, he couldn't give him the satisfaction of visible amusement to replace it. He really was a shitty friend, wasn't he?

"Tracey I-I'm gonna be okay. Put your focus on her and her alone."

"I know I just... I worry about you too. Is that a crime? To care about two people?"

"Of course not Trace I just- feel bad."

"Well yeah, I don't think you'd be feeling good after tonight."

"Well yeah but- I mean about- you guys caring about me. I'm so... fucked in the head and for some reason you care about me like I'm family and I-"

"You are family."

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