Chapter 1 'That One Day Became Your Entire Life'

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Chapter 1 'That One Day Became Your Entire Life'

Dila's POV

Dila's smile did not fade as they entered Kuzgun's neighborhood, she felt on cloud nine. Every so often he would raise her hand to his lips and lay a gentle and tender kiss to it.

She was where she was meant to be, right by his side. Kuzgun openly loving her was the remedy that she had needed for so long. Both of them were now able to show exactly what they felt for one another, and not thinking or caring about anyone else.

They were finally getting their time. Just like she had always dreamed of and what they deserved.  They were free of the darkness, Ferman and anything bad that had been like a weight around their necks for as long as she could remember.

"Are you sure you're alright staying at mine before we find our own place, Dila'm?" Kuzgun asked her, breaking her daze.

She turned her head to look at him, "Tabii ki," her eyes wandering over his handsome profile, one hand on the wheel and the other holding her hand tightly. He hadn't let go of her hand the whole journey back, like if he let go she would somehow disappear, "I don't care where we are, as long as we are together. We could be sleeping in a place with no roof and I wouldn't care"

"Öyle bir şey yok," he replied dismissively, like he was upset she would even think that way,  "you will always have a roof over your head, Dila'm" Kuzgun stated, sitting up straighter in his seat, giving her a quick glance, and a gentle nod of assurance.

She wanted to tell him she was joking, but part of her wasn't. She would truly live anywhere with him, it wouldn't matter. But Dila knew of his pride too well, he would never allow her to go without anything.

They pulled up outside the cafe and Dila spotted Cihan talking to some of the boys in the courtyard and a smile came to her face. The rest of the boys were playing football, laughing and joking with each other. Whenever she had been around them before it was like she was a different person, someone she had tried to be to escape. However knowing she could freely be herself now to the people that mattered in Kuzgun's life meant a lot to her.

Cihan stole the ball off one of the boys to score a goal, celebrating emphatically. She recalled the last few times she had seen him, the circumstances had been very different. She now had excitement over being able to finally interact with him the way she had wanted to. Cihan had always been nothing but kind and supportive to her and Kuzgun's relationship, and she never got to thank him for it.

Kuzgun's best friend had clearly spotted the car pull up and a wry smile appeared on his face. He then motioned for the boys to stay where they were playing football as he walked towards them.

Dila got out of the car and Kuzgun came round next to her, giving her a soft smile while taking her hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Cihan was holding back a large smile as he slowly approached them, and Dila could tell how happy he was at the sight of them together. His eyes fell down to their hands and let that smile beam away, which in turn made Dila smile broadly and let out a small chuckle.

He stopped dead in front of them and nodded at Kuzgun with a look of pride upon his face, "That one day became your entire  life, Abi'm" he simply stated.

A knowing grin appeared upon Kuzgun's lips and he nodded in response, "My entire life" he agreed, and looked down at Dila with a meaningful gaze.

She didn't know what they were talking about, but it had clearly been something they had discussed before. A moment between two friends who were more like brothers.

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