Chapter 5 'I Start And End With You'

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For a very long time, @egypdiva has the idea for this chapter, to the point that I actually asked her permission to write it. This is what she had envisioned and I wanted to make it right, so she told me what she wanted and how she saw it going. Therefore this chapter is dedicated to her. 

Chapter 5 'I Start And End With You'

Dila's POV

A sudden alert from Dila's phone woke her up with a start. She felt disoriented as she tentatively spread her arms out, only to find Kuzgun's space in the bed next to her empty.

She frowned, "Kuzgun?" she whispered quietly with a croaky voice, and slowly opened her eyes. It was still dark, which meant it must have been early morning and the sun hadn't risen yet.

She sat up onto her elbows and looked around the darkened room, checking the door to the bathroom which also showed no visible sign of Kuzgun.

Another alert rang out from Dila's phone and she leaned over to the bedside table, noticing Kuzgun's watch and phone were also gone, she didn't understand what was going on. Where was he?

She grabbed her phone and brought it closer so she could see. Her eyes squinted at the light from the screen as she opened the message. Confused and dazed, she sat up further, it appeared to be just a photo attachment.

Dila downloaded the image and her hand came up to her mouth, gazing at what was on the screen.

Memories of when Kuzgun had first returned suddenly appeared in front of her. It was just an image of his hand spread out and the words; 'Var mısın?' were written on his palm next to his wound.

But this time there was something different about the picture. Something that stood out to her clear as day. Her lips rose into a huge smile and she suddenly had a burst of energy.

She quickly shuffled herself over to Kuzgun's side of the bed and opened the drawer of the bedside table to find that both of their rings were missing. She looked at the image again and clearly, on his ring finger was his wedding ring to her. The one he had told her that exact same night, he had engraved with her name on well over a year ago.

Suddenly one single light lit up the room. Dila spun round to see that it was coming from outside. And with only Kuzgun's t-shirt on, she shot up out of the bed with excitement and quickly ran to look out of the window just as the light stopped. She squinted and could just see an outline of what looked like Kuzgun's boys on the opposite building rooftop and laughter echoing into the night's air.

She pressed her lips together, feeling the well of emotion coming over her. But before she had a chance to let them fully consume her, another alert rang out from her phone in her hand.

Dila opened the message; 'Join me, Dila'm. You know where'

It was only then did she see the name of the email account the message had come from;         'Red Kit' and she let out a little whimper, her red kit. It was eerie how similar this all felt but also incredibly different.

Her lips curved into a smile as she swiftly threw her phone onto the bed and ran to the wardrobe to change. She found a pair of jeans and a random hoodie and threw them on. She didn't care what she was wearing, because there was never a time she denied visiting him at their tree, no matter what the circumstances were.

Even when it had been something she knew would be hard to go through, she would always turn up and she knew Kuzgun did the same.

But now she knew it wasn't something bad, they were finally together and there were no obstacles in their way. She felt a buzz that no matter what it was about, she needed to get there as soon as possible. Just knowing he was waiting for her filled her stomach with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

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