Chapter 8 'Your Name Across My Heart'

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Well guys this is the last chapter for this fanfiction. 

It has been amazing to do this for not only myself and @EgyptDiva, but for the fandom as well. Our ideas put together created something I hope so many of you can class as 'head canon'. I put together the basic idea for this in early May and now here we are. 

I am so incredibly thankful to all of you that have read, voted and commented on this story. Thank you for coming along on this journey with us! 

I hope with this last chapter it makes you feel content, happy and satisifed. I was always going to write to the point of the wedding and this is it. 

As you can imagine I need a rest! Never say never, but when inspiration strikes I am sure a few one shots will come of it. 

I appreicate you all and I truly hope you enjoy this last chapter <3

Until next time :)


Chapter 8 'Your Name Across My Heart'

Dila's POV

It was the day of Kuzgun and Dila's wedding and Dila kept getting waves of nervousness running through her entire body.

It hadn't helped that Kuzgun wasn't with her and hadn't been since the day before.

She had thought it would be a good idea for Kuzgun to stay at Cihan's place, to make sure they had the excitement of seeing each other again on the day of the wedding.

However the night before when Kuzgun packed his bag, it became real that he was leaving her. And it had been the first time they were going to be separated since they had got back together.

When he had kissed her goodbye, the feeling of his lips lingered on hers and she wanted to tell him to stay, but she had resisted the urge. After he gave her a reassuring wink, and Dila watched him leave with Cihan, her heart instantly ached from his absence.

How they had gone so many years without one another almost all of their lives, she had no idea. She felt unable to function properly without him, like she was lost with no real purpose. Only gaining a purpose when he was with her.

When they were children and they would play hide and seek together, it would only be a matter of seconds after he had finished his countdown that he would find her. He always managed to. It was like there was a magnet inside of him, pulling him in her direction, knowing exactly where to always find her.

However she had waited 20 years, the longest time he had gone without finding her. She had been scared it wasn't within him anymore. That the bond they had shared was gone after everything he had been through.

But she had been right to wait, because he did find her again. And whilst the journey back to each other had been a heartbreakingly difficult one, he still managed to find her each and every time.

She could only smile knowing now this time when he would 'find her', she would be waiting in a wedding dress for him.

Kuzgun hadn't seen the dress she had picked out, wanting to keep it hidden until the actual day of the wedding. Something he of course objected to at the time, but after some persuading once again, she managed to hide it at Seda's new place.

Dila had risen early that morning, even having gone for a run like she used to. Nervous energy she had coursing through her veins at every step she took.

KuzDil : Filling in the blanksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon