Chapter 4 'You're My Home'

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I just want to say a huge thank you to those that have read and reviewed these sets of chapters! I've loved doing it and I plan to consistantly post the rest of the chapters over the next 4 weeks.

Sorry for the length of them, I kind of get carried away, but I have a feeling if you are reading KuzDil fanfic, then you want as much content as you can get?

They could be shorter but I didn't want to seperate these scenes up because they just flowed. And also considering you wait a week for each one, why not make them lengthy and...the more the merrier right?

I am so thankful to you all for your comments. Having such feedback on twitter and on here has been overwhelming. It's great to hear your thoughts and even helping with closure on some characters is what I wanted.

So enjoy the upcoming chapters of pure KuzDil, loving, talking, teasing and just being with one another.


Chapter 4 'You're My Home'

Dila POV

Kuzgun had picked Dila up from his mothers and they had returned to his place shortly after her conversation with Meryem.

He hadn't asked her many questions about what had been said, but she sensed he knew something. Likely from his own conversation with his mother.

She understood however, if he didn't want to discuss the year they had been apart, there was no way she would push him. It wasn't a subject she found easy either and if he was going to tell her anything, he would do it in his own time.

All he did ask is if his mother had treated her with respect after he had left. He wasn't expecting miracles, but he had expressed hope that she would have the decency to treat her well when they were alone. Dila assured Kuzgun that it went as well as it could, but it would just take time for her to come round to it. Not everyone understood how they were with one another.

Standing from an outsider's point of view it must have seemed wild what they were doing. To the average person, getting married after only being back together for a few hours would appear crazy. But that was just how they were, it's like nothing had changed between them.

They had arrived back at Kuzgun's place, and Dila felt like a weight had been lifted. Things might not be great, but they weren't bad anymore and that was a start. Knowing from now on that their interaction would be different and less tense, meant she didn't need to feel as on edge as she had done in the past.

Settling in for the evening, Dila removed her trainers and placed them by the closet, along with one other pair she had.

When she had left Ferman's house, she only took the bare basics from the wardrobe. She didn't want anything that had been bought by him or to be reminded of the time she was living in that house.

On the way back from Meryem's, Kuzgun had told her to order some new clothes. He knew she only had a few items to her name and wanted her to have a new wardrobe, one that was more her.

While escaping and trying to change herself, it had come with a whole new wardrobe. She loved some of the pieces, but in reality she knew it wasn't her. She was finally starting a proper life with Kuzgun and she didn't want any negative reminders of the past lingering over them.

She slowly looked up at the bare wall beside the closest and frowned. She noticed a little bit of paint was coming off of the wall. She pursed her lips together in thought, while turning to look at the other walls in the apartment, seeing it repeated in numerous places.

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