Chapter 3 'Peace'

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Chapter 3 'Peace'

Kuzgun POV

Kuzgun was sitting down outside with his arms spread along the back of the bench watching as his mother tended to her garden, while making every effort to ignore him.

It had been exactly 15 minutes he had been sat there. He sighed heavily and kept looking down at his watch. He didn't want to rush the situation, but there was a sense of urgency within him now. Every minute he wasn't with Dila, he saw as wasted time. They had spent too much time away from one another, when all he wanted to do was be with her in every waking moment. 

His mother's dismay at them being back together filled him with frustration, and now she was actively ignoring his presence.

Meryem stood up from the flowers she was tending to and passed him going to the hose, "Anne, sit" he instructed.

Once again she continued to ignore him, turning the hose on, and pulling it towards the flowers she was just working on.

He sighed heavily and brushed his hand over his beard. He nodded, it was never going to be easy, but he had hoped for a little bit of understanding from her. At least to give him a moment to listen to what he had to say.

She was pushing him to lose his paitence. The situation was going to have to be dealt with a little more force than he had initially intended. 

He stood up, still keeping his eye on her. But she wasn't paying any attention to him. So he casually walked over to the tap and turned it off.

She quickly spun round and glared at him, and it was the first time she had acknowledged him since he had entered the garden.

He pointed towards the bench to the table, "Sit" he told her once again, he was done being ignored.

Meryem looked at him like she was about to throw a tantrum. She threw the hose on the floor, the last remaining drops of water trickling out of it and with a purpose, approached him. 

She reached the table as he sat back down on the bench, "What are you trying to achieve ha?" she questioned him in an accusing tone.

He looked quizzically at her, surprised she would even ask him that question, "Peace," he simply stated to her, "benim karım-"

"O senin karın değil" Meryem interrupted, immediately shooting him down. 

'She's not your wife'

Those words stung. 

He was thankful it had only been a few weeks that the statement had been true. When he agreed to the divorce, he wasn't letting go, he never would. But giving it to her was the start of making amends, knowing that's not how their marriage should have begun. It had been less than 10 days since the divorce and that had been long enough.

Kuzgun looked up at her and smirked, "Tamam," he nodded, and leaned forward onto the table, "legally she isn't right now. But in a few weeks she will be," he stated to her with certainty, "however you and I both know she's always been my wife, legally or not"

He saw Meryem swallow hard, her lips pursed together and he waited for a rebuttal. Something to say that wasn't true. But there was silence, deep down she knew it to be true. 

If it were possible for children to have been married, then they were. They belonged to one another. They made a pact at 8 years old to only have their hearts beat for each other. They were so much older than their years in so many aspects, and they knew of their love so early on that they made that promise to each other.

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