Chapter 2 'Too Late, Not Too Soon'

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Chapter 2 'Too Late, Not Too Soon'

Kuzgun's POV

Holding on to Dila's hand as they approached his mother's door was surreal, but it also felt like it was something they should have been doing over a year ago. Kuzgun wanted to erase that whole year that had passed, he wasn't himself, he wasn't living. Nothing had meaning without her.

It hadn't been like the 20 years he had spent alone, he learnt to live with the pain in his heart because he had no idea what was causing it. Only upon seeing her again did he come to realise it was because he had been without his best friend. His heart ached every single day just from her absence. 

He had been without his heart, he just didn't know it at the time. But in the past year he had clearly understood the feeling within him, he knew where his heart laid and he would do anything to get it back.

The year he had been without her, along with the past few weeks, had been the hardest thing he had endured. He had been through hell and back his entire life, all kinds of pain and suffering. But losing her made every other pain, pale in comparison.

But she was with him now, standing by his side, holding his hand tightly. He was okay as long as she was with him. He felt truly complete for the first time in his life. She was his mind, body and soul.

His eyes drifted down to look at her, worried about how she was feeling. He could tell she was nervous. Ever since he had found her again, any interaction with his mother had been tense and unpleasant, he didn't want Dila to go through that ever again. They had to build the bridges that had been broken for a long time.

"Iyi misin, Dila'm?" he asked, stopping in front of the door as he pulled out his key.

Her eyes looked up at him, "Kuzgun you've asked me that five times now," she sighed with a little smile, "three times since we got out of the car" she teased, nodding towards Kuzgun's car that was only parked a few metres away on the street.

Kuzgun returned her small smile, but nodded his head. He could tell she was deflecting. 

He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, "I know you Dila" he told her simply.

Her smile faded and her head dropped down a little. It made him ache inside seeing that smile disappear. He had made a vow to himself that when he found her, he would do everything in his power to only see her smile.

He gently placed his fingers under her chin to look at him, "I am here, by your side. We are together, the way it always should have been. It will be fine, sana söz veriyorum"

He watched as she took a second to collect herself and a thankful smile appeared on her lips, "Biliyorum, aşkım" she nodded, "together"

"Together" he agreed and took her hand again, giving her another nod. He squeezed her hand, knowing how daunting it must be for her, but he wanted her to know he wasn't going anywhere.

Placing the key in the lock, Kuzgun slowly opened the door and was instantly hit with the smell of his childhood. He took a quick glance at Dila and knew she smelt it too, it was then a knowing smile appeared on her lips.

"That damn soup" she mumbled quietly under her breath and shook her head.

The soup that Kuzgun remembered loving as a child and Dila disliking for so long. But he told her over and over again that when they grew up and got married, his mother would bring this soup round so she was going to have to get used to it at some point.

She would challenge him constantly, and never gave in easily to anything, especially when it came to him. However the sweet girl, who Kuzgun adored, slowly got used to it because of how much he liked it. There was no choice in the matter.

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