meeting Jay

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It was Earth's first day at his new job. Jay Parks manager hired Katsamonnat to be Jay's personal photographer. He has not meet Jay Park yet. Earth has only heard a couple of his songs that he looked up last night after getting the call about being hired. Earth got up early and got ready. He wanted to make a good impression on his first day, so he went to a near by coffee place and got Jay Park a coffee on his way to work. Earth walked in to the building of his new job and Jay was standing by the front desk watching the entrance way. He is a lot taller then Earth thought he would be. But Earth is pretty short for a guy.

"you must be Katsamonnat Namwirote" Jay says as he walked up to Earth.

"I-I yes Mr. Park please call me Earth" Earth held out the coffee to him. Jay looked at the cup for a couple of seconds.

"Don't think this is going to make a good impression on me. Lets see what you can do with a camera. My manager says you are pretty good. I want to see it for myself." Jay says bluntly and with a little ice in his voice. He finally took the coffee and started walking away. "come on" Jay said. Earth stood there for way to long then started following him. They walked to some elevators, Jay pushed the up button, while Earth waited beside him. They got in once the doors opened. Earth watched him push the button for the sixth floor, after stepping into the small elevator, they rode it in silence. When they got to the sixth floor which felt like it took forever, Jay walked out and Earth followed close behind. Jay walked to a door with his name on it and unlocked the door.

"so this is your office?" Earth asked trying to brake the silence.

"No its going to be your office. I'm getting a new office in a couple days so we will have to share till then." Jay says as he walks into the room. He must have sit his coffee cup down on the desk because Earth didn't see it and put his bag down on the desk and which made the coffee fall onto the floor.

"hay watch it!" Jay started yelling. Earth jumps and looked at him.

"I'm so sorry." Earth says and before he would say anything else Jay started calling Earth names and yelling.

"Hay I said I was sorry you don't have to be an asshole" Earth didn't know why he talked back to him like that.

"You got a lot of top energy for being a fucking bottom" that's all Mr Park said to Earth as he pushed him up against a wall in his office. Earth blushed brightly and looked away from him.

"I-I... I don't know what you mean." Earth studders out.

"I think you know exactly what I mean" Jay says as he smirks. "We don't even know each other." He cant tell that I'm gay or even a bottom, can he? Earth thought to himself. There was a knock on the door. Jay slowly stepped back and Earth whispers.

"thank goodness" Jay glanced at Earth and chuckled then walked to the door and opened it.

"Oh hi, Mark come in." Earth watch as one of Jays friend walked in.

"Dang Jay what happened there?" His friend pointed to the coffee mess.

"Oh I made a mess" Jay says as he looked at Earth. Earth blushed softly. Jays friend looked over at Earth.

"Oh hi there I'm Mark, Jays friend." He says. Earth nodded then bowed. which Earth just now realized he didn't bow when he first meet Jay and felt bad about it.

"Its nice to meet you I'm Katsamonnat Namwirote. Earth stood up straight after a few seconds.

"Its nice to meet you too." Mark says then looks at Jay.

"Oh yeah your manager wants you to have that photo shot today" Mark reminds Jay.

"yeah that's why Katsamonnat is here." Jay says.

"oh okay well then I will leave you to it." Mark says then leaves. Earth looked at Jay as he turns to look at him too.

"Then we should get started, and please call me Earth." Earth says before Jay could say anything. Jay grabbed a bag.

"Okay follow me and we will go to the set we have set up" Jay walks out with the bag. Earth grabbed his own and follows Jay. Earth had to run a little because of his and Jays height difference. They shortly got there and Jay started to change his cloths right in front of Earth.

"oh um" Earth turned away and started to get his camera out. Earth heard Jay laugh.

"We are both guys get over it." Jay says as he finishes up and walks over to a couch in a corner with some decorations around it. Earth walked over and started taking pictures of him in different poses. They worked for a few hours then Jay wanted to see some of the pictures. Earth handed him the camera and watched him look through them. It took him a little bit then he looked at Earth and said.

"You are really good. We are done for now, you can go back to the office and edit them if you want." Jay says then goes to his bag and got back in his clothes from before. Earth does all his work from his own camera and laptop and was told there was a nice little outside area in the back of the building so Earth walked out with his stuff and goes around to the back from the front enters since he did know his way around the building yet. Earth saw a door at the back of the building when he got there which was probably a easer way back to the back of the building from there, but he didn't know how to get to that door from the inside. Earth sit down at a picnic table and got out his laptop then started it up. Earth looked around at the trees as he waited for the laptop to fully come on then he hears.

"Damn it they told you about the outside break area" Jay said as he walked up to the table.

"I'm sorry I can go back in" Earth says as he stood up.

"Nah you can stay as long as you don't mind me smoking." Earth made a small disgusted face.

"mm I don'tn't mind. we are outside after all." Earth says as Jay set down on top of the table and light up a cigarette.

"Katsamonnat why do you want to work for me?" Jay asked as Earth was on his laptop and pulling up the things he would need to start editing.

"Its Earth, I don't know um I'm good at photos and I need a job so why not" Earth says as he worked. Earth could feel him just looking at him. Earth blushed a little and thought. why does he have to be so handsome. I mean yes I'm gay I have never liked girls. I have never been on a date or even had a boyfriend though.

"I think you are really good at photos I have seen a few that you have done and edited. you could probably even do better then working for me." he says then took a long drag from his smoke.

"I don't know about all that but thank you." Earth looked at him as he is still staring at Earth. Jay chuckles softly.

"well I have a meeting in a few minutes and you should come sit in on it, since you need to start knowing my schedule." Jay says as he looks up at the sky.

"oh um okay." Earth turned his laptop off. Jay finished his smoke and stands up.

"come on or we will be late." Earth stood up and put his things in his bag. They both walked through the back door and to the conference room. Earth also now knows how to get outside through that door.


I hope you like the first chapter of Mr. Handsome. please give it a vote. I'm working on the next chapter now. I'm sorry this one was kind of short and a little boring. but the next one should be better.

what do you think will happen between Jay and Earth?

Do you think Jay is gay or just messing with Earth?

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