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Akay pulls up to a grocery store and parks his car. He then gets out and runs to Earth's  side and opens the passenger door. Earth gets out and smiles.

"Thank you kind sir" Earth softly says then reads his text message he got from Alex "Kay likes chocolate covered strawberries' Earth smiles big and grabs a shopping cart as him and Akay walk into the store.

"I wanna get a mango" Earth says as he looks at Akay.

"okay sure good idea" Akay walks over to where the mangos are with Earth. Earth looks and picks out a mango then walks over to the strawberries and puts a box of them in the cart.

"Strawberries too?" Akay asked as he walks beside him. Earth just nods and smiles big.

"Okay do you want chicken or beef tacos little one?" Akay asked as they walk to the meats.

"Hmm I would like Chicken tacos please ?" Earth tells him and looks at the signs to see where the baking stuff is. Akay picks out some boneless chicken. Then looks at Earth.

"How about you go get whatever it is you are looking for while I get the rest of the taco stuff. Oh and get us a cake mix and frosting that we can make together." Akay tells Earth. The small boy nods and runs off giggling. Earth goes and gets a chocolate cake mix then grabs a chocolate frosting then goes and looks at the baking chocolates he picks out one that looks the best. He starts looking for Akay and finds him picking out taco seasoning. Earth puts the things he had gotten in the cart then gets in as well.

"What are you doing? hitching a ride?" Akay raise an eyebrow. Earth giggles and nods.

"Yap best ride" Earth likes at the stuff Akay had put in the cart. Akay chuckles and puts the taco seasoning in the cart.

"hmm okay we just need to get some eggs for the cake then we can go." Akay pushes the cart towards the eggs. Earth hums and looks around. They soon got to the eggs and Kay grabs some and puts them in the cart.

"Kay how old are you? And what do you and Jay do" Earth asked in a mumbled voice.

"I'm 26 and we can talk about the other part later with Jay." Earth just nods and Akay walks to a self check out area. He scans everything and bags everything up with Earth's help then Akay pays. The two boys grab the bags and carry them out to the car and puts them in the trunk. They get into the car and Akay start driving. Earth's phone starts ringing so he answered it.

"Hello" He says with out looking at the caller i.d.

"Hay Earth I will be home soon have you guys had dinner?" Jay asked on the other end of the phone.

"No not yet, but we are going to make tacos. I thought you wasn't coming home till later" Earth says softly.

"Oh I hope you guys make enough for Alex and I. And I got done with what I was doing early." Jay tells him as Earth can hear Alex in the background squealing.

"Okay yeah we will make enough for everyone." Earth giggles.

"Good boy. I will see you soon." Jay says then hangs up the phone. Earth wiggles in his seat.

"Jay on his way home?" Kay asked as he smiles and glances over at Earth.

"Yes he is. um how old is Jay?" Earth blushes since he didn't know already.

"hm I think he is 33 years old. His an old man" Kay chuckles softly. Earth giggles.

"I dont know Im 23 and I think that is old."

"You are far from old little one" Kay says as he pulls up to Jay's house. Earth smiles and gets out of the car and grabs some of the groceries from the trunk after Kay opens it. Both boys walk up to the front door, Akay unlocks the door and opens it for Earth to go in. Earth goes and walks to the kitchen Akay follows after him.

"Kay?" Earth says putting the bags on the counter then looks over at Akay.

"Would you date someone that was not sure if they liked the same sex?" Earth asked.

"Yell I don't know. I like both girls and guys, so if the person I like likes me then I would date them till they figure it out I guess." Akay says as he takes the stuff out and the bags. Akay then gets out a pan to cook the chicken. Earth gets a knife and a cutting board out.

"Kay do you come over to Jay's a lot?" Earth asked him as he starts cutting the green stuff off the strawberries.

"I'm here most days or his at my house" Akay says as he cuts the chicken. Earth nods and thinks. Jay and Alex walk into the kitchen.

"Hi there cutie" Jay says as he walks over to Earth. The small male blushes brightly.

" Hello Jay, how are you?" Earth ask then takes the knife and cutting board to the sink.

"Good now that I'm home ." He says then starts helping Akay with the tacos and Alex sits on the counter and plays on her phone as Earth makes chocolate covered strawberries. The boys get done with making the food soon.

"Alex go sit the table please" Akay tells her. Alex hops up and does as told. Jay and Akay takes the food to the table. Earth takes the strawberries and sits them on the table too. They all sit and start eating. They finish after a while then Jay looks at Earth.

"Everyone put your plates in the sink and meet me in the living room it's time Earth finds out what we are and do" Jay tells them.

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get a long over due chapter out as soon as I could. I hope you are liking it so far. Please leave a comment tell me what you think and what you might want to see come of the story.

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