mixed signals

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The two boys seemed to be the last ones to the meeting. Earth looked around and stayed close to Jay as he introduced Earth to everyone. Everyone started to sit down. Jay grabbed Earth's arm.

"come sit next to me" Jay says as he pulled Earth to two chairs. Jay sit down and Earth sit next to him. Earth put his bag in his lap so he could play with the strap when he got bored or nervous. The meeting started and Jays manager started talking to them all. He talked about up coming events Jay was doing and a lot of other stuff. An hour had passed and Earth started playing with the strap on his backpack, he glanced over at Jay. He looked bored too. He moved his hand over to Earth and started messing with a string that was on the knee of Earth's jeans. Earth blushed a little and glanced around the room to see if anyone noticed. Earth looked back down at Jays hand when Jay grabs ahold of Earth's thigh. Earth blushed brightly and looked at Jay he singled Earth to look forward, so Earth did. Jay rubed Earth's thigh for the rest of the meeting which was another hour. Earth tried to not think about it but he keeped rubing higher up then go back down. The meeting finally ended and people started to leave and Jay talked to people. Every time Earth tried to leave Jay stopped him. When the last person left, Jay looked at Earth.

"look don't think anything of me holding your thigh." He says then walked out. Earth stood there for a few seconds then ran after him.

"I wouldn't want to think much of it" Earth tells him then walk passed him fast. Earth looked at the time and still had a hour before he could get off work for the day. He decided to go to the outdoor break area. Earth sit down at the table once he was out there. Earth leaned his chin in his hand and sighed. Why does he have to mess with my head, he knows his good looking, he cant just lead people on. Earth thought to himself then got his phone out as it ringed. It was in manager, Earth answered it fast.

"hello sir"

"hi Earth I forgot to tell you tomorrow Jay has to go to a cabin in the woods and stay the weekend there. I need you to go with him and take pictures." Earth sighed a little. Oh great now I have to spend my whole weekend with him, He thought.

"yes okay sir" Earth says into the phone.

"I will email you the details. you can go home early to get ready since this is all of a sudden." The manger tells Earth.

"okay sir I will be ready for this weekend" they said thier goodbyes and hung up. Earth puts his phone back in his pocket then realized he left his backpack in the conference room. Earth walked back to the room and Jay was sited back in the seat he sit in during the meeting. He looked sad. Earth walked over and picked up his backpack. Jay looked up at me.

"I'm sorry" Earth bowed. "I was told I could leave early to get ready for this weekend I um have to go with you." Earth stayed bowed not looking at him.

"Its okay Katsamonnat go a head and go I will see you tomorrow" Earth stood up and looked at him, he was no longer looking at Earth but rather looking at his lap. Earth walked out not wanting to get into his personal life if that's what was wrong. Earth didn't see why Jay keeped calling him Katsamonnat even after he haa asked him a few times not to. Earth walked home to his brothers house. Earth lived with him for now. That's why Earth wanted the job so he could move out. After his parents past away six years ago, in a car accident and moved in with his brother after that. Earth was sixteen then so he didn't have much of a choose. He missed his parents a lot. They knew Earth was gay and didn't care but his brother on the other hand could never understand it. Earth's brother was always mean to him, to even to this day. In school he would tell everyone Earth was adopted and to stay away from him. Earth went start to his room when he got home from work. Earth's brother was not home but he tried to stay away from him and his things. Earth put his backpack on his bed and got his laptop out and put it on his small brown desk then got out his camera. He looked throw the pictures of Jay he had taken today, that he needed to edited a hundred of them and send them to his manager by Monday, but now he has to go on this trip with Jay this weekend so he was not sure how he will get it done. Earth's phone dinged telling him he had a email. He looked at it and it was the details about this weekend. It looks like he will have his own room to sleep and there will be a lake to swim in. Earth didn't know if he
will swim but he will take his swim clothes anyways. Earth started packing as he was thinking about what to take. He put a few pairs of clothes and swim clothes and some clothes to sleep in, into the bag. then he put in his skitch book and bag of drawing pencils and then puts in his stuffied animal. Then Earth got out another bag to put his laptop and camera in it. He packed his chargers and extra things that he might need. He heard the front door slam. Sounded like his brother was home and mad. Earth then heard two voices talking. It sounded like his brothers  best friend. Earth locked his bedroom door because his friend was always meaner to him then his brother.

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