Swimming with Mr. Handsome

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Earth watched Jay walk out of his room in the cabin, then Earth layed down hugging his stuffie as he blushed. Was it just a kiss from him drinking or was it a sober kiss? Earth laid there thinking about it, way longer then he should have.  Earth must have fallen a sleep in his day dreams because he woke up to the sun coming in through the window when his phone started ringing. Earth hoped up and answered with out looking at the caller ID.

"Why are you like this? Who do you think you are?" Earth's brother yells on the other end of the phone. Earth just sit there and listen to him as he tears up. Earth soon hears a knock on the bedroom door and Jay walks in to see Earth crying on the phone. He gently takes the phone and puts it to his ear. He listens for a few seconds then starts yelling back. Earth zoned out and covered his ears. Jay soon hung up and sits next to Earth and rubed his back.

"shh... Earth its okay don't listen to that asshole" Jay says as he keeps rubing his back. Earth leaned on him and smiled a little.

"you confuse me sometimes. But for the most part you are kind to me and I don't really know how to handle it." Earth says quietly.

" I'm a dick sometimes I don't mean to be all the time though I'm sorry." Jay tells me as he hands Earth his stuffie. Earth takes it and hugs it then shake his head.

"No Jay that not really what I meant. I-I...sometimes you do  things that make me think you like me more then just friends." Earth blush and look away.

"hm. Earth I..." Someone knocks on the door and Jay stands up. He walks out and closes the door. Earth set there for a few seconds. Earth didn't know what to think or do but Earth needed to get ready for the day so he got up and changed his clothes and fixed his hair. When he was done he walked down stairs and meet everyone for breakfast. Jay and Earth ended up cooking for everyone. They made eggs and toast pancakes and sausage. Earth sit the table and got drinks out. Jay called everyone in to eat when they was done cooking.

"hay this is really good" One of the guys says as they all sit and started eating. They eat and talked for a while then people started leaving the cabin and then Jay and Earth was left alone at the table. Jay looks at Earth and sighs.

"So its you and I today huh?"  Jay says softly then smiles.

"Yeah so what would you like to do?" Earth asked him.  Jay looked at him and smiles.

"lets go swimming." Earth looks at him after he says that.

"I-I.... sure it will be fun" Earth walks to his from to change into his swim trunks Jay followed him.

"hurry and change so I can go change" Jay says as he sits on Earth's bed.

"I-I... but Jay" Earth says blushing.

"Just do it " He says as he looks at Earth. Earth grabs his swim trunks and turn his  back to him and takes off his clothes Earth glances at Jay and saw him checking his ass out. Earth smiles a little and slowly put on the trunks giving him a little show.

"I saw that smirk Mr. handsome" Earth blushed so much not meaning to call him that out loud.

"And maybe I wanted you to see it cutie" Jay stood up and grabbed Earth's hand and pulled him to his room. Earth leaned against the big bed frame and watched Jay take of his clothes. Earth still remember the time he changed in front of him but this time its different he took off all his clothes and put on his trunks. He looked amazing naked. Earth blushed and looked away when Jay looked over at Earth.  He walks over to him.

"You ready to go swim or are you going to day dream some more?" Jay asked as he smirked at him. Earth blushed so much.

"How you know what I'm doing, I could be think about anything." Earth says to him.

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