《~^♤The incidents Mossy aftermath♤^~》

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"D-dam, the suns to bright....."
Nami stammered out, as the sun hit her face, though she had tried to cover it with a hand, it dident help much..........


Nami inquired, at the sound...
'A cat..? Must be..'
She thought, as she sighed out.
That's when she sore a yellow cat, with a oddly familiar swirl.........

Nami thought sadly, as she sore the cat nearby, alongside her roommate in a panicked state.

Robin had finally found the cat, but she was panicked and dident exactly know what to do.....
Nami called out to her, Robin turned round stunned.
Sanji had stopped too......
That was until he had jumped Nami.
Nami yelled, she nearly dropped her shopping, until Robin managed to catch it.
"Thanks Robin"
She sighed out, as she held the Sanji, in her arms.
"What are you doing out here.....? I thought you dident want anything?"
Nami questioned Robin.
Robin looked up at her, and smiled like she usually did.
"I just spotted this little fella outside are window, he seemed hungry so I went after him so I could feed him."
Robin wasent exactly lieing, but she couldent really say why she actually went after Sanji..........

'The hell is he!?'
Zoro thought, as he raced through the complexes halls
Sanji just jumped out of a window,

Zoro was quick in his movements, as he came down the hall.
That's when he stumbled, as he nearly ran into one of his many neighbours.

That being Nami, and a incerd-
Zoro thought, as he took notice of Sanji in Namis arms.....

"A pet cat...?"
Zoro spoke with a scoff, as he stared down Sanji, with a thankfuly unnoticeable glare, atleast on Namis part.
"Eh? Nah, me and Robin just found this little guy"
She chuckled, but then remembered something.
"Do you have a roommate Zoro? Robin said something about them having a pet cat."
Nami inquired to Zoro, as he tried to think of a believable story.

"No I dont"
Zoro shook his head, once he floded his arms.
"I haven't had that little that guy long, so I almost forget what he looks like!"
Zoro chuckled out, as Nami gave him a stare, he knew she dident entirely believe him.
He thought.

Nami sighed, with a smile as she handed Sanji over.
"Zoro I know you're lying about having a roommate, one person can't exactly have a argument like earlier."
She stated with a wink,
"Welp, eitherway I'll be on my way, I hope you and you're roommate get along soon!"
Nami walked off to her apartment, as Zoro sighed in relief and finally got to return to his....
Sanji in his arms, asleep........

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