Them as teens in 2020

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CEO of drunk texts
Sends the best memes
Has a lot of girls snapchats 😔
Vapes A LOT
Would probs shave his head during quarantine
PlayStation > Xbox
Probably plays cardi b to annoy Cameron
(as he should 😌)

HUGE movie goer
Makes sure he posts his bereal everyday on time.
Definitely loves POV Tiktoks
Has every streaming service going
Asmr is part of this boys sleep schedule
Creator of the boys snapchat group
Would probably do TikTok dances to annoy you.

His style would be impeccable,
like I mean FLAWLESS
Listens to a lot of indie
Loves Rex Orange County and oasis
Still a hopeless romantic
Sends you so many TikToks
Delivers you presents to your house
during quarantine
Bit of a simp

Probs has a Star Wars profile pic
Listens to podcasts a lot
Still gets A's for sure
Would actually be seething when exams got cancelled this year
Has an audio book subscription
Perms are in so everyone loves his hair

Wears air pods 24/7
Probably wears vans and flannels religiously
Has lots of plants
Definitely has longer hair.
Has a Nintendo switch 100%
Also brings me to the belief that he loves animal crossing and Stardew Valley.
His parents probably stockpile.

His socials all have a car pp😭
Designated driver for sure
Definitely has nicer hair now.
Like Charlie he would also shave his head during the pandemic.
Xbox > PlayStation
Has really good music taste.
Gets high a lot.

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