Chapter Seven {Emotions}

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"We've got everything we need now," Levi called out, "Let's head back."

"Got it," the others responded. The group flew from their pursuers with ease after completing the day's job. Being the fastest with the manoeuvre gear, Anna and Levi lead the team. Over the past two years, Anna had become an integral part to their little family. When she had first arrived, the three original members didn't believe that she would be fit for their way of life. The way she held herself and stuttered would make her an easy target to use as a weakness. However, with no other way to survive, she stepped up and showed them that she was an asset to them. Not only was she agile, but her innocent smile had become a weapon used to deceive those against her. She wasn't just surviving in The Underground, she was thriving.

"That was a close one," Anna commented as they landed out the front of their base.

"It sure was. They put up a good fight, but they couldn't lay a hand on you," Isabel laughed, "You're a natural Anna."

"Thank you," Anna said as she walked in. She grabbed a cup of water and took a seat at the table. "How much are we getting for that one?"

"Enough," Levi muttered.

"Do you think we'll have enough to get citizenship then?" Isabel grinned; no one responded. The three friends admired her optimism, but they were more realistic. It would be a long time before they would reach the surface. The greed of those above would ensure that. Whether above or below ground, the world was cruel.

Levi took a seat on one of the benches and began to wipe the crimson stains from his blade as he did after each use. "This place is filthy," he muttered catching everyone's attention. They knew better than to argue and all started working to eliminate every speck of dust on the premises.

Anna had learned about Levi's particular cleaning habits very early on in her life with the group. It became apparent that the newcomer didn't have a knack for cleaning, and Levi was quite irritated that he had yet another thing to teach her up to this standard. However, once he had scolded her enough times for a poor job, she didn't have to be told to keep her spaces tidy.

As they were cleaning, Anna's mind wondered to the events of the previous night. A shadowy figure had come by the house with some interesting information and an offer. Nicholas Lobov was a well-known name in The Underground, someone important enough to be included in one of Furlan's early lessons. He was the person who stationed guards on the stairway to the exit and was the puppeteer of The Underground. For him to make the effort to contact those beneath him other than to clean up a mess was a rare occurrence.

The stranger informed the group that the scout regiment was gathering information, interested in recruiting them. Everyone was sceptical, especially Levi who made it clear that he thought it was bullshit. Anna was frightened by it all. The idea that she could face the titans shook her to her core, knowing just how deadly they were. If they did have to fight them, she knew that there was always the chance that she or her friends would never return to the safety of the walls.

What Lobov wanted from the group was to infiltrate the scout regiment and find documents that the branch had obtained and could be used against him. He used two forms or persuasion: a hostage, and an offer that was near impossible to refuse. One of Furlan's friends had been taken to a medical facility for treatment of an injured leg, and it was made clear he may not be able to leave if they did not comply.

Anna was conflicted about the potential arrangement. She knew just how hard her friends were working towards a life free from the confines of The Underground, but at the same time, it was her home. The woman found comfort in their base and didn't mind the dangers that came with it, but she knew she would follow her friends wherever they may go. Family had to stick together.

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