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4 days have past and I have barely gotten out of my bed since that dream. Spencer keeps blowing up my phone with "are you okay voicemails and texts" the other girls just continuously try to call me, but we all know what happens when you answer, Code A comes into play, That dream caught me off guard. I'm completely off guard. Alison did so much for me, and what have I done? I accused her, accused her of so many things.

"DING" I hear from downstairs. I finally get my weakened body out of my bed to peak my head out of my door. "Hello" I call out with a whisper. I hear nothing, and then a little something, then a little more of that something. It was footsteps. Footsteps that sounded angry, as if they were looking for something. A little louder I said "hello" but never got an answer back. I started to get freaked, and began to panic. There were so many thoughts going through my head at once. I can't keep up. I opened my window, forgetting about the stranger, burglar, it, bitch, dog, giraffe. Whatever it or she, he is. I had to catch my breath.

Reality struck me as I heard loud footsteps beginning to come up my steps, an then...... Then they just stopped. They stopped right outside of my door. I freeze. Hoping they wouldn't be able to see my shadow under the crack of the door move. I reached to grab a pen out of a drawer and ended up knocking a framed photo of the girls and I on the floor, breaking the glass. The thing on the other side just looked at me. Not caring.. They smile... "Surprise"

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