2: Preparing For Iceland

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-Kaycee's POV- 

This morning I woke up around 6 due to some loud noise in the kitchen. I ran downstairs to see Cheuk trying to grab the extra coffee on the top shelf. "Oh good morning Kaycee!" he greeted me and kept trying to reach the coffee. "Do you need help Mr. Lew?" I asked him. "First I have asked many times please call me Cheuk and yes some help would be nice" he said and Sean came literally rolling down the stairs. "Son are you okay?" Cheuk asked him and I laughed. "Yes Dad I'm fine Tate's coming and I have to tell her she isn't going to Iceland with us" he groans and sits at the counter. "Okay I got the coffee Cheuk" I said and handed it to him. "What how you aren't much taller then me Kaycee" he asked me. "It wasn't that hard I simply stood on the chair arched back and hooked the bag with my foot" I smiled. "Well you sure are bright in the morning" Cheuk laughed and turned on the coffee machine. "Does anyone want French Toast I'm going to make some for Miya and Ayden anyway" I asked both of them. "I'll have some" Sean said and Cheuk nodded a no then left. "Okay then coming right up!" I said and took the bread, syrup, and eggs out of the pantry. I cooking took around 30 minutes since I had to make three and then Miya came down the stairs with Ayden. Sean and I did the usual and ran to stair case. "Good Morning Kaycee!!" Ayden screamed and jumped into my arms. "Good morning buddy!" I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Breakfast is on the counter" I said as I pointed to three French Toasts. "Is one for me!?" Miya asked jumping up and down like a little girl. "Yes Miya one is for you" I laugh and carry Ayden to the table. "Tati and Tahani are coming today right? So is Tate?" Miya asked Sean and I and we both nodded. "Would it be okay if I invited Serris and Sarah too since they want to help me pack for the trip?" I asked Miya. "Of course Kaycee they are my daughters after all even if they don't live here" She laughs and kisses us all goodbyes and Tate walked into the room. "Helllloooo everyone!" She screamed and came to hug us. "Ayden go brush your teeth and I will get your outfit ready" I said and followed him up the stairs with Tate and Sean behind me. I pulled out a green polo shirt and some plain kakis and laid them on the bed and started scrolling on my phone will Tate and Sean stared at me. "What's wrong do I have something on my face?" I asked them confused. "No Kaycee there is nothing on your face we are just wondering something" Tate said. "Hit me" I said and locked my phone. "How do you have 10 million instagram followers and you're famous and we didn't even know about it" Sean asked me. "Well it's mostly from dance when I was little I was on the half time show with Missy Elliot and I was Tricia Miranda mentee and I haven't seen her since the accident and I haven't really taken a class since then but fans are loyal" I nervously laughed but they were both in shock. "I'm ready for teeth inspection!" Ayden ran into the room. "Okay buddy looks all good" I said and picked him up and we all walked down stairs. "Ayden we have to leave for school now okay?" I asked him and bent down to his height. "Fine but I don't like school for the record!" he yells and sticks tougne out. "I know buddy let's go" I said and walked him to the car.

"Bye Kaycee!! I love you!!" Ayden yelled as he ran into the school I never go straight home after I drop him off so I sat on the bench and turned on my phone and I had seventeen messages and three miss calls from Gabe. I shut my phone off, closed my eyes, and put my headphones in turned on some music and just stayed there for a while well for three minutes then I got a call from you guess it Gabe. "What do you want?" I asked trying to sound as neutral as possible. "Kayc you don't understand I'm sorry I really am I still love you" he said and I cringe at the love you part even with three years of dating I haven't managed to say it. "Gabe I appreciate it but you messed multiple times and I'm sick of it" I said and was about to hang up. "Kayc please" he almost begged. "Gabe I'm leaving for a month in three days maybe the break will be good for us?" I suggest hopeful he would leave it at that. "A month with who!" he roared at me. "With Ayden, Miya, Cheuk, Serris, Sarah, and Sean" I whispered the last part since he already hates that I live with the Lew's. "Unbelievable we haven't even confirmed a break up yet and you are going out with Sean!" Gabe yelled. "What the heck Gabe! I am not he has a freaking girlfriend! You are just upset I'm hanging up now!" I said and almost hanged up until he said the last part. "I'm coming over right now!" he yelled and hung up. God I hope Sean told Tate already.

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