•{Shindou Takuto}•

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Me: I'm in for something. . .

Fuusuke: What is it?

Me: There's no guarantee, but here it goes. Hope you like it.


Street lights lit the snow coated pavements, as the cold winter breeze passed by. Yes, it was in the midst of the coldest season of all. Despite the fact that it was actually freezing outside, a certain (h/c) haired lass couldn't help it but to take a stroll outside.

Her thoughts were drifted elsewhere, but one thing is for sure in her mind-no, it's not a thing, but a certain person she had once loved.

Oh, just where did it go wrong? Their relationship before was unimaginable. It was like she was the princess, and her lover was her prince. It was a fairytale that everyone wished to have.

For her it was. . . It really was.

She could still remember the way his hand held hers, as they walked together to school. She could still remember how he used to cuddle with her during cold days. She could still remember everything. Every single memory that she made with no other than, Shindou Takuto himself.

It was pure bliss back then. But sadly, fate had different plans for them.

On the night of her birthday, Shindou texted her. Oh, how she regretted that very moment. She thought that he texted her in order to greet her a happy birthday, since he wasn't able to attend the party. But it was different. . . Instead, she read the most heartbreaking thing ever.


I'm sorry (Y/n), but I'm breaking up with you.

Sent 7:45 PM, (Birthday/Date)

She never knew why, since after that text Shindou had finally ignored her for the whole semester. And what pained her, is that Shindou Takuto is rumored to be dating Yamana Akane.

Sure, it was just a rumor. But there's no guarantee right? Those two were always together eversince he called their relationship off.

Just as she was about to turn into a corner, a lad-just her age-had bumped right on her, which made her land on the ground with a faint thud. Lucky, the snow was there to cushion her fall.

"Daijobou? Gomen, I wasn't looking at my. . . (Y/n)-san?",

That voice. That all to familiar voice. (Y/n) recognized it somewhere, but she doubted that it was him. After all, why in the heck would he be in Japan, when his parents had send him to London, in order to study there?

Though, (Y/n) couldn't help it, but to smile. She tried to stand up, and was thankful when the lad held his hand for her to take.

"Iie, I'm the one who needs to apologise. Gomen, gomen. . . Anyways, I have to go. . .", (Y/n) stated, while walking pass him. She never knew if it was really Shindou Takuto, or just a mere hallucination of hers. Ah, she had fallen so hard for the former captain of the soccer club, that it made her hallucinate sometimes.

However, even before she could take another step forward. A hand firmly grabbed her arm, making her stop from her tracks. Though, she remained calm, and quiet.

"(Y/n)-san, please. . . We need to talk, a-about out r-relationship before. I-I'm re. . .",

"There's no need for that, Takuto-no, Shindou-san. I've already accepted the truth that. . .destiny wasn't in our favor", there she turned around, facing the lad whom she had loved dearly before.

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