The Failures of Plan A, B, and C

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Marvel gives me life. This is the result. I had about 10,000 words originally but I thought that was too long so I'm splitting it up, hence why in this fist one there is no plan A, B, or C. That'll be in part 2.

 That'll be in part 2

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Bright lights.



Bright lights.

The sequence only repeated, day after day in a never ending cycle. The luminous room reminded her of a classroom when the teacher flicks on the lights after a video. The whole class groans and covers their eyes. Unfortunately, Y/n couldn't even raise her hand.


Outside the glass case stood her parents, taking notes and occasionally checking a high tech computer. They'd done this to her.


The shocks came often, too often for Y/n's liking. Small metal cylinders would lower from the ceiling of her glass prison and send a series of electrical sparks, burning her skin as her body screamed in protest. Her whole body begged her to speak up against this cruelty, but her cries were silenced by the slab of glass separating her from the world. They couldn't hear her, nor could they care less.

Everyday she spent in silence and muscle spasms as the electricity coursed through her veins. She couldn't live like this much longer.

Then, it was over.

The staff of scientists opened the door and helped her stumble into a car. They led her for her cooperation. She nearly laughed out loud. Her cooperation?! She was forced into this! She had no choice, no say, no rights whatsoever.

Her parents slid into the front seats. That's when the screaming began.

"How could you!? Am I nothing to you!? Do you know how much pain and agony I've been through because of you?!"

Her parents kept their eyes forward, not even acknowledging her existence. She didn't stop throwing questions at them.

After about an hour, a familiar house came into view.


A place she never bought she'd see again. She usually dreamed of coming back here, but now that she was, she'd rather be anywhere else.

She massaged her aching muscles. Well... almost anywhere.

Her father stopped the car, but didn't unlock the doors. Instead, he looked back at his daughter, defeat in his eyes. "Y/n." His voice was tired. "It was for the best, you know."

Y/n's eyebrows raised as she let out a sour chuckle. "Oh! So you were justified to nearly kill me! Good to know."

"Honey." Her mom joined, leaning on the back of her seat. Y/n glowered at her, hissing through her teeth. "Don't call me that."

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